Are we losing the beauty of life?

Do you try to make things orderly in your life?
Do you feel comfortable with predictability?
Are you a perfectionist?

If the answer is YES to above questions, you are missing the beauty of life. See, rules are put in place in society so that we can all co-exist peacefully. But the truth is human beings are always looking for the first opportunity to break the rules. This is inherent nature of man because man is chaotic by his nature. Man is wild energy, conditioned by society. Man loves to be chaotic. As he grows, he loses this passion or rather this passion goes under covers and remains dormant which is why at the first opportunity, he is ready to let go. Actually, if you observe even the most meticulous and fastidious people get a silent kick out of breaking rules when the situation calls for it. Chaos is always exciting and energetic, orderliness is predictable and dull. That is the reason why whenever we break a rule, we feel thrilled, joyful and energetic! As long as morality is taught with fear to us as the basis, when morality is instilled in us from outside, it is only social laws. It is time we outgrow them and be able to look at them in a matured fashion.

Here’s a small story: –

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My new life playing with Shaktis

Life hasn’t been the same for me ever since I returned from India on 11th January after a 25-day spiritual retreat called Mahasadashivoham which was conducted by a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). Swamiji initiated the participants into 80 powers besides putting us through an intense detoxification process of body and giving powerful cognitions from the Source. This program literally made us radiate the state, space and manifesting the powers (shaktis) of Sadashiva (pure Superconsciousness).

After 6 weeks, now playing with shaktis has become a lifestyle for me, it becomes even more exciting seeing my 14-years-old son manifesting extraordinary shaktis. In addition, constantly we are being guided by Swamiji and his spiritual community to be established in the powerful space of manifesting shaktis as these shaktis manifest from the space of Oneness with Sadashiva. Every day, I would get enriching opportunities or different requests from different parts of the world for body scanning, 3rd eye healing, identification of blind spots and shifting of wrong cognitions. Life is full of miracles and amazing happenings.

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A shift into powerful cognitions

Do you know that whether something stays with you or not, it depends on how powerful you are with it?

According to a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji), he said:” If you are powerful with your body, you will never have sickness. The parts over which you lost your power, get into disease. Same way for wealth, if you are powerful with wealth and abundance, it will never leave you. However, the moment your powerlessness is awakened by wealth, you get greedy with wealth and lose whatever you have. It is our powerlessness that decides whether what we got stays with us or leaves us, not the way we got it.”

During the 25-day spiritual retreat called Maha Sadashivoham in last December, I was initiated into many powerful cognitions which now form the basis of the way I perceive Self, world and Universe. I would like to share these powerful cognitions which fundamentally created a cognitive shift in me.

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