Do you know that there are four giant powers sitting inside you?
As man is born out of divine energy – Shakti, he possesses four great powers. The four spiritual principles – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility and Enriching – which are the four Vedas, caturveda to experience surrender to the Cosmos and to have the power to simply manifest the reality of your choice. These four powers are great energies and if we know how to handle them properly and consciously, they can shower us with everything we want in life. However, if we don’t know how to handle them properly, they will continue to impact our lives in negative ways. The unfortunate thing is many people do not use these four powers consciously with a clear intention.
These four powers are closely related to the four major dimensions of our life – our words, our thinking, our emotions and our living. When we awaken our peak possibility in each of these four dimensions, it becomes a great power and support in our life.
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