Power of Vedic Psychology

As a spiritual guide and healer, I discover that there is no other psychology that is more powerful and complete than Vedic Psychology. Some of you may be aware that I don’t use any of the traditional psychotherapy and psychoanalytic therapy which most people learn in mainstream institutions or universities of Psychology. This is because Vedic Psychology not only is able to provide me with answers to all the questions I have but it also offers a permanent solution to all complex psychological disorders. One recent case which I worked on, proves the power of Vedic Psychology and gives me so much confidence that I simply know many people with complex psychological disorders can be healed with this science.

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You Can Rewrite Your Future

The most precious gift that I received in my last spiritual retreat, Inner Awakening in Bali was the science of rewriting my own future – a breakthrough in my ability to cause my own reality.

First, let me share with you the two things which the whole humanity is caught in: 1) Default Future and 2) Reality Illusion.

You see, all of us have a default flow of life called “default future” because of our individual root-pattern and past incompletions. The root patterns and parasite patterns are very powerful as they not only make us accumulate more and more suffering and karmas while in the body, but they also make us feel nothing is possible in life. This additional karma accumulated after we assumed the body is called “Agamya”. Agamya karma results in one experiencing the “default future which naturally attracts diseases, depression and suffering. That’s the fate of ordinary human life.

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Rewiring of Root Cognitions for Enlightenment

Are you aware of your root cognitions?

Many of us carry certain root cognitions that form the basis how we respond to life. What you strongly believe as you is the root cognition. Basically, root cognition is a mental pattern which drives your thinking even before you recognize the quality of your thinking.

For example, some people carry the root cognition that “Life is suffering” or “Life is depression”, so even before they start solving any problem in life, the root cognition already sets the base of the battle-field. Root cognition is the line where the fight between you and your life starts. With this wrong root cognition, you can never experience joy, bliss, completion because the fundamental belief is wrong which has to be completed. So understand the importance of having the right fundamental root cognition.

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