Manifesting in Oneness

How is it like to manifest a new reality in Oneness with your teamily?

See, for the last 7 years, I have been managing my business by my own which gave me the tremendous confidence and freedom to do what I am most passionate about and inspire myself. It was such a refreshing relief from my corporate days filled with internal politics and different agendas of individuals. I enjoyed the expansion especially in the area of awakening the spiritual quality of responsibility and authenticity by stretching myself to my peak capacity. But I discovered that I can only grow the company to the knowledge and skillsets I have at this moment, yet the vast possibilities remain untapped.

In April 2017, I had the fortune of starting the second company, Space of Purity and Awareness (SPA) in Hong Kong with a group of 3 spiritual friends after I began the coaching module called ‘Be Your Own Boss’ designed for spiritual entrepreneurs. These friends are literally my teamily, meaning team and family – a new word coined by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also known as Swamiji). Teamily are fundamentally the ideological family with whom you share certain common ideologies of spirituality.

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A Yogi lives on moderate Sattvic diet

Do you know that a Yogi goes through a major diet change once he or she becomes firmly established on the path of Yoga?

As a living Yogi, I remembered the first shift in my diet happened when I decided to become a vegetarian in January 2007 after taking the initiation as a Nithya Spiritual Healer from my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). My better half was struggling with my decision because he said that many Yoga teachers (referring to my fellow yoga teacher friends) were not vegetarian, why the need to make such a drastic decision. See, the enjoyment of food is one major sense pleasure for him, not able to enjoy food with his wife was too much for him. The purification nature of Yoga just made this decision a natural evolution for me by the grace of Swamiji. Swamiji cautioned us that anything you eat, that becomes you! One part of what you eat becomes your bones, muscles, flesh, blood, words, thinking, feeling and your Being! Food plays a vital role in our life, not just the body-mind, but also in our consciousness.

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Revival of Authentic Yoga: Nithyananda Yoga

Are you confused by the plethora of types of Yoga out there?
How can you tell which is the authentic Yoga?

It was my sincere seeking which had led me to discover the Source of Yoga and for the first time I felt everything I’ve learned is coming together. I would like to share some of the fundamental discoveries I’ve made.

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