Vedic Healing for Cancer


As some of you may be aware, I am a cancer survivor. After having healed from stage 3 cervix cancer in 2006 by the grace of my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji), I now carry the muscle memory and bio memory of one who has completely walked out of cancer. It also means that I can transmit this muscle memory and bio memory to people who are suffering from cancer and help them to get out of this chronic disease.

Since the launch of my first eBook last September titled ‘Cancer: A death sentence or a wake-up call? You decide’, I have started to explore the cancer healing module using Vedic science of healing. Interestingly, since my return from the spiritual retreat – Mahasadashivoham in early January, I have been approached by 2 patients who are in advanced stage of cancer– one with lung cancer and another one with stomach cancer. Both came to me through referral by their family or friends. As I explore this new possibility which has just opened up for me, I like to share the basic understanding here.

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A message from a living Avatar

Dear Ones

You are reading these words for the first time but our beings are already connected. We are already familiar with one another. You know Me, My ways, and I know yours. Your separation from Me, the Whole, was never allowed. It was your act of rebellion.

The separation started when life began on planet Earth. You took the form of the amoeba, an organism with random shape and size. Your individual consciousness began with the smallest point of existence, just on the tip of a needle. Since then, you have known the pain of being away from the Whole, absorbed by distraction after distraction. Only upon death you remember that you yourself created the pain and you yourself created the distraction.

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Living Guruvak aligns you to authenticity

What is Guruvak?

A Guru means the one who dispels darkness and takes you toward light. Vak means words or instructions. So Guruvak means taking the words of the Guru or the divine command by the Guru.

In the Vedic tradition, according to Adi Shankaracharya, the great teacher and the philosopher, there are three rare and the most precious things in life. They are:

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