Encounter with Munis of higher dimension

I just completed the 10-day Module #1 of Mother Love Kids Yoga Teachers Training in Singapore on Thursday with a small group of aspiring yoga teachers. This training was designed mainly to create a new breed of Kids Yoga teachers who will have the knowledge and body intelligence to help children from higher dimensions to stay grounded after they land on planet earth. For that, they were taught the human developmental patterns which I learned from Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen of Body-Mind Centering and also many sacred insights of Yoga from my Guru, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji). The goal of this Kids Yoga Teachers Training is to apply this science to create a slew of new experiential learnings in engaging and raising the collective consciousness of children. Three categories were revealed to us: 1) Creativity – the ability to inspire kids’ creative expressions in music, art, poetry as a flow of life, 2) Wellness – includes better concentration, healing and discipline towards living a life with integrity, 3) Life Strategy – techniques to face life challenges and realize one’s life purpose and something more. I seriously don’t know what this will lead us into but I am truly excited over the possibilities this platform opens up for all of us.

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My next big jump is to train teachers

About one year ago, I received a divine guidance from my Guru (fondly known as Swamiji) to start a Kids Yoga Teachers Training program. Last year, I underwent a tumultuous phase in my personal life, honestly, at the time I was unable to see the big picture and the immense possibilities that were waiting to unfold in me. Naturally, my first reaction was filled with many thought currents of self-doubt. ‘Why did Swamiji ask me to create a Kids Yoga Teachers Training? Who would want to attend another kids’ yoga teachers training program conducted by a teacher who is not even famous?! How to give certification when I don’t really believe in the existing certification bodies? What would be the scope of the training content?’

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Power of consciousness over matter

Do you know that you can move or bend an object just by your consciousness?

When we don’t understand the science behind it, we think it is a miracle or magic. Actually, in Vedic tradition, the power (Shakti) of consciousness over matter is the basis of all yogic powers because it is consciousness (strategic existence) that moves matter and dynamic activity! When you manifest the power of consciousness over matter, you are not only able to move objects like coconuts and metal spoons, but you are also able to move other things in the Universe like people’s mind, mountains, even planets with a flick of your wrist!

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