Renounce ignorance, not the world

Once a sincere seeker asked an enlightened master, Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam: “Dear master, is it necessary to renounce the world to realize the self?”

Bhagawan replied: “To realize the self, there is only one thing you must be willing to renounce, that is ignorance.”

He explained that self-realization has nothing to do with renouncing the world. To run away from the world is just as bad as clinging on to it, in both cases, it is evident that the world is controlling your actions. Aversion to the world is as much a product of ignorance as attachment to it. They are just two sides of the same coin.

A person can live in a cave, in the mountains, and be obsessed with sansar (worldliness), while another can live in the world and yet to be completely detached from its pull and push. To take sannyas (renunciation) is not to renounce the world, but to renounce both attachment and aversion to the world. The very same life, when it is seen through the mist of ignorance is sansar and when it is seen in the clear light of self-awareness, becomes sannyas.

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New insights to surrender

Surrender is the romance between you and Life, which results in dropping your pseudo identity.

The Sanskrit “Ishwara Pranidhanat” is translated in English as “surrender to God”, but it does not mean human being is lower and should bow down to the authority of the universe.  “Ishwara” – Brahman, Light of lights, means True Self at the same time.  You do not bow down to any authority, but to your True Self – the very YOU.

When you think Ishwara (Existence), do you feel it is too far to be able to touch it? Too vast to behold? Too difficult to understand or grasp?

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Deathless life is possible

In this article, I would like to introduce a mystical topic about dealthless life from Cosmic Archives which was channelled by Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji).  Cosmic Archives are the mystical records of all the events, words, thoughts, and actions that have ever happened in the Cosmos. The time shaft can be rewound and fast forwarded for answers that only a living incarnation can access.

Akashic Reading is a record created in space. Whatever has happened in time, it is there as a file. When a being realizes he is beyond time and space, he will be able to decode those Akashic recordings, spell it out in the language you understand, in the frequency you can receive for your betterment, to improve the life, and reach your ultimate goal of humanity – enlightenment. 

Akashic Reading is not prediction, it is reading from the records. There is no such thing as past, present and future. Beyond space, creation and destruction happen simultaneously. In dimension of time, starts the past, present and future. But in Akashic Records, there is no past, present and future, that is why what you call as happened, happening, yet to happen are clearly already recorded.  

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