Understanding 3 types of Karma

What is karma?

According to a living Avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji), he said that Karma is anything which is left inside us incomplete, asking us for attention, for completion, and forcing us to go through that again and again. He also added that karma is nothing but the incomplete patterns brought from previous births as well as the new patterns accumulated from this birth.

Basically, there are three kinds of karmas. First, the Prarabdha is the karmas you brought with you to exhaust in this life. Second is Agamya which is the karmas you accumulated in this life. Lastly, Sanchita is the karmas you have saved for janmas (lifetimes). You cannot do anything with Sanchita karma, Sanchita can be melted or burnt only by an enlightened master or Guru working directly on it. You can work on first 2 karmas: Agamya and Prarabdha. Prarabdha karma is more like thoughts, engrams and patterns. Agamya karma is more like muscle-memory and bio-memory, which have become a part of you. Agamya karma itself has two parts – one is doing the actions in unawareness which bring suffering, and second is the pattern of doing such actions continuously and accumulating more Agamya, knowing it brings suffering.

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Find a permanent solution

Are you one who often finds the easy and quick solution to a problem instead of taking time to find a permanent solution? What is your coping strategy?

When it comes to a problem, I’ve seen many people do not have the patience to find a permanent solution due to a lack of will persistence or fear of facing the reality. So they just escape the situation by giving up on themselves and others which leads to more suffering and permanent damage later.

I remembered there was this client who has a spinal degeneration, she has no patience to devote time to re-train her body; instead she opted for the invasive spinal surgery. She is now living the side-effects of post spinal surgery which is non-reversible.

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What you need to know about Desire


Do you know that desire is actually an energy?
How do you handle the desire energy?
Is it wrong to have desires?

Desire is one of the major driving forces in human life. It is the energy of desires that makes us get up from the bed daily to run our life. Most of the time we are driven by either desire or fear – our likes and dislikes come from desire. As a result, we have so many desires, quite often we feel we don’t have enough energy to fulfil all our desires.

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