Completion with Self, Others and Life

I just arrived early this morning from a spiritual retreat called Inner Awakening Level 1 in my Guru’s ashram in Bidadi, Bangalore. It was the most extraordinary experience because the purpose for which I went was completely fulfilled. I also had a strong revelation that I couldn’t wait to share with my readers! Before I left for India, my goal for this trip was to understand the science of completion and to identify my root pattern so as to bring about completion with it.

 What is completion you may ask?

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Vedic Lifestyle is Conscious Living

I didn’t know how much Vedic lifestyle had changed my life till I spent 8 days in Japan last week on a family vacation.

Before living a Vedic lifestyle, I used to love many things Japanese – the delicate food, colourful art & crafts, the plethora of consumer products and technologies. After a lapse of more than 12 years since I last had a vacation in Japan, this time I could no longer relate with many things Japanese which I once enjoyed. First, the Japanese food is either non-vegetarian or highly processed which is not unhealthy for my yogic body. Second, the modern entertainment which occupies the psyche of the Japanese culture is something I couldn’t relate with. For example, we tried a ride called “Space Fantasy” at the Universal Studio theme park upon my spouse’s suggestion; it was similar to a roller coaster ride except that we went into a dark tunnel filled with special effects of electronic light source to simulate the wonders of the Universe. The abrupt tossing and turning during the ride only stressed my nervous system and churned my stomach. I found that the so-called excitement from the man-made entertainment tried so hard to over-stimulate our 5 senses and making them tired and dull at the end of day. The Universe I saw in my meditative state is far more exhilarating than the poor substitute of the man-made creation!

This trip in Japan made me appreciate the beauty of Vedic lifestyle. I noticed that many religions start with dos and don’ts which become popular because many politicians and religious leaders use these rules as the moral code to control and manipulate the masses. Unfortunately, do’s and don’ts only create intense guilt and suffering in one’s inner space which keeps one in a slavery mentality.

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Women and Feminine Consciousness

Have you ever noticed that in any spiritual gathering or yoga class, you will usually see more women participants than men participants? Are women more interested in spirituality than men? What is the connection between women and feminine consciousness?

The divine feminine consciousness is one of my favourite subjects because it fundamentally changed my inner space and gave me the cognition about my higher purpose in life.

The Vedic tradition describes the whole Cosmos as a cosmic feminine energy. Feminine energy is the space where the whole thing happens. This is the energy that constantly gives birth.  The source of divine or creation is the mother energy. That is why Vedic rishis describe the Cosmos as Devi loka (Cosmic Mother). Anything conscious is feminine, all other adjustments in existence for this consciousness to exist is masculine.  The center is the feminine consciousness; all the workers are masculine consciousness.  Enlightenment is about awakening the suppressed sacred feminine energy which lies dormant within us. Once awakened, it does so much to our consciousness because literally we give birth to ourselves.

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