The Power of Space

I have been experimenting and playing with the power of space in the last 3 months after my last Inner Awakening ( with my guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda in December 2013. So in January, I had created an intention to start working with youth or teens since I am already working with children.

Interestingly, by end January, I was given by a contact to see a lady in charge of a social outreach for teens who are suffering from mental disorders. In that 2-hrs meeting with her, she shared with me that one of the greatest complaints among the teens was the fear of failure. Immediately, I proposed that I would conduct a workshop and help the teens to complete with their fear of failure during the 1-week term break.

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How I keep my child in the space of possibilities?

Smart young girl stood infront of a blackboard

Do you know that children are already born complete, total with pure innocence and intelligence?

Before the age of 7 y.o., children live in a pure space called “Space of a Child”. This is the original state of pure awareness, a space of solutions where there is no mental processing like planning, judging or thinking. They just download like an internet connection whenever they need the information. This is such a beautiful space to be in as it is a space of huge possibilities. All they need from parents is the right environment and guidance from a higher energy to start expressing their extraordinary dimensions that the society holds them back from.

As a mother, I am very conscious that I want to keep my son, Kai in his pure inner space of joy, innocence, creativity and great possibility. However, I am equally aware of the negative forces in the outer world which could unbalance him and take him away from this space.

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Life means not giving up on yourself and on people

Since last week, the thought current that keeps reverberating within me is “Not giving up on people”. These are words given by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) in 2013 his New Year’s message to the world which seemed to come alive this whole week for me when the happenings in my life started to unfold.

Enriching people to awaken to their original state of completion has become my very breath, the spiritual work I do on a daily basis. One of the important qualities in enriching work is never give up on myself and people. Swamiji gave me this precious key which helped me to feel a sense of responsibility without feeling powerless is “Never give up on people”. You see, our experience of life is happening to us with others from outside, it is the people that makes life a happening. People are life, people around us are the life happening to us. If we give up on them, soon we will give up on ourselves, we will lose self-confidence; then we also start giving up in life itself. Giving up on people is considered a partial suicide, on the other hand, victory happens by our ability not to give up on our self and on people. The feeling of empowerment comes only with this one master’s key – not giving up on people.

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