Many People, Many Paths

This month we celebrate the Global Peace Day on 21st September. I discovered that to bring a true global peace, the world needs to know the 2 important truths. First truth – it is inner peace that leads to global peace. This means we all need to be healed from our past wounds and hurt. (see my article ). The second truth – As there are many students, many paths exist for Self-Realization. This understanding will remove the intolerance for co-existence of other faiths completely!

In support of the second truth,  I would like to share a particular chapter of the teaching of Bhagavad Gita. Bhagavad Gita is a sacred scripture of the Vedic culture, it is called the sruti in Sanksrit, meaning something that is heard. Bhagavad Gita is written into the Hindu epic Mahabharata called a purana, an ancient tale. It is part of a story about a dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna – a dialogue between man and God. It is the ultimate practical teaching on the inner science of spirituality.

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Universe Changes When You Participate

For the last few days, I became aware of a subtle pain pattern of self-denial, a feeling of being stretched by a rapid expansion in my life and a certain resistance to change and not being able to balance my life. This happens only after the first layer of pain patterns were completed. Life is revealing to me the more deep-rooted pain patterns which are hidden nicely inside and impeding my spiritual growth.

The clicks finally came to my cognition after seeking the Divine’s help to reveal the deeper truth of which I was stuck. So I decided to share with the world the deeper secrets of Universe in this article.

The first truth is – Universe is not independent of our participation. Universe happens as we experience because we participate in a particular way. When our participation changes, when the mood of our participation changes, when the attitude of our participation changes, the universe changes as well. All the different minds in the world experience the universe in different ways, so it does not have a definite existence. Even though Universe does not have a definite existence, but it creates the impact of existence on us, this is the reason why the universe is named as Maya (illusion).

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The Healing Hands of Divine

That year was 2005, I was diagnosed with cervix cancer Stage 3 and I had to undergo a procedure to remove the infected cervix. I was told by my gynae to monitor the condition closely for next 3 years to ensure there was no relapse.

In early 2006, I met my guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). He healed me from the root cause of my cancer which was deeply connected to my pain and guilt patterns in a programme called Nithya Spurana Programme (Life Bliss Programme 2). After the rebirthing process and powerful initiation, I felt that I was given a new body and a new mind. Feeling deeply grateful to the master, I decided to become an ordained Nithya Spiritual Healer to offer the healing service to humanity in Jan 2007.

It has been 8 years since I have been initiated as a healer. Swamiji once said that his healers are his hands, we are the healing hands of Divine i.e. we become a channel for the same divine Cosmic energy that he embodies, to flow through us to the person who is receiving the healing. Being a healer puts us into the deepest level of our Being. When we go inside our Being, we naturally radiate energy and that energy automatically heals others. After all, healing is nothing but conscious concentrated love.

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