Life in Shivoham is a happening

Student: “You look very different, I saw it the moment you walked up the staircase.”

Me: “What do you see?”

Student: ”Your face looks very radiant and your eyes sparkle with light. You have changed since I last saw you a few days before you left for Cambodia Inner Awakening retreat. Something tells me you don’t belong to your current place…you are going to expand into something bigger.”

Me: “I don’t know yet..let’s see” (with a big smile)

This was the conversation I had with one of my students last evening when she came for my meditation class. I am only back for one week but it feels like I have been here for a long time especially with so much happening both inside me and outside of me. One thing is for sure, life is not the same anymore. Let me give you a glimpse of your possibility living in Shivoham “I am divine”.

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The Alchemy of Becoming Divine Beings


I just got back a couple of days ago from a mystical 21-day spiritual retreat called Shivoham Inner Awakening in Cambodia by a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). This body is still trying to settle in from the alchemy process and the high energy space we were taken into. Frankly, many of us couldn’t even articulate exactly what happened to us but we just knew that Swamiji worked on our physiological evolution instead of psychological evolution.

In this article, I attempt to piece together the elements of the science which I am able to capture with my intellectual understanding and experience. I’ve deliberately avoided the subjective mystical experiences in this article as they are very personal to individuals. This Shivoham transformational process happened for 450 participants who attended this programme from over 40 countries. Literally we were a sample which represented the world.

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Let’s Bring Vedic Renaissance to the World

I was tidying up my bookshelf this week and I found my little black notebook from 2007-2008 in which I kept many spiritual gems I experienced from my master, Paramhamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). In that book, I remembered a mind-blowing discourse titled “Vedic Renaissance” which he delivered in USA in 2007. That extraordinary discourse resonated with me and awakened the seeker in me – a time in my life stage when I was suffering from spiritual poverty.

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