Be a space holder for your child’s possibilities

Would you encourage your child to explore the innate intelligence and extraordinary powers?

It saddens me when I see many parents who are terrified of the unknown and their child’s higher possibilities due to their own ignorance that they stop their child/children from the process of self-discovery.

Here’s a true story.

A young girl who is suffering from a lot pressure and stress from parents, schools and peers, she has started to develop certain developmental difficulties as she becomes withdrawn and lacks self confidence. Literally she is like a little bird caged by the conditioning of parents, society and the educational system. When she came to have a private tuition session with a disciple of my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji), they decided to play and casually explore the power of third eye even though she was not initiated by Swamiji. The devotee was able to hold a powerful space of possibilities for her to discover her innate intelligence and powers. She was able to read blindfolded just by entangling with an initiated disciple of Swamiji. That’s amazing phenomenon.

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A new life after Sadashivoham


Three months spent with a living Avatar in the mystical kshetra (energy field) can be equivalent to spending 4-5 years of one’s lifetime in the normal human plane. That’s the intensity and the richness of my experience with Nithyananda Yogam – a 3-month program with Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). The time spent there was of different qualities and literally I experienced a quantum shift in my inner space like a major upgrade of hardware and software – the body-mind and consciousness.

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Experiencing Yoga from the Source

Have you experienced Yoga as a spontaneous happening?

I just completed an extraordinary 21-day spiritual retreat called Sadshivoham 2016 conducted by my Guru, a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) in Bengaluru adheenam from 1st – 21st December, where I had so many incredible spiritual experiences at various levels – physical, psychological, physiological and neurological transformations. One particular experience was the initiation into Nithyananda Yoga as per Adi-Yogi, Sadashiva had intended more than 10,000 years ago.

As a yoga teacher for the last 15 years, this was the first time I tasted the power of Yoga at its pristine expression. Yoga is about experiencing your highest possibility while being in oneness with the Source, expressing extraordinary powers of Sadashiva . I can say this was really an exceptional powerful experience that inspired me to share with the world in my blog.

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