Joy of living with a divine child

“Children are forms of God living with us. They trusted you and chose you for their journey. Keep them like flowers

~ Paramahamsa Nithyananda

I always knew that my son was a divine child because the very first day when he arrived on planet earth, he really looked like a little Tibetan Lama in a meditative state. I could remember clearly I was shown his innate intelligence during my first breastfeeding moment. I was shocked to see he could lift up his head to breathe when his nose was covered by the breast.

At 6-month old, he already knew how to come down from the bed by himself. I didn’t believe it at first when his nanny told me until I saw it with my own eyes. He would flip his body over and then wriggled his body like a worm till he reached the edge of the bed. Then he held on to the comforter and glided himself down for his feet to touch the floor. That was the moment you saw his jubilant smile as he jumped in joy. For a child to develop such an advanced motor skill, it means his brain must be very developed. He could play Hide-and-Seek with his nanny by 8th month. His nanny would be hiding behind a sofa, that little boy would be crawling and then surprised her when she least expected it. His sensing of the people who he could relate with was already developed.

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Let’s complete with violence

This week I happened to come across a few disturbing violent video clips on Facebook. Two videos were about men’s atrocious cruelty done to a street dog. The third video was about a man in rage lifting a young frightened child and slamming him onto his bed like a trash a few times and slapping his face. I was not able to watch the entire videos as it was too heart-wrenching an experience. One cognition hit my inner space – there is simply too much violence on this planet earth! My eyes became teary upon seeing the kind of atrocities done by human beings.

Looking back in my own life, I was not spared from aggression and violence in my family. Those hangovers from my childhood made me develop patterns of fear, self-doubt, anger and aggression whenever my survival was threatened. For many years, I suffered from the incompletions and these patterns which almost ruined my life. It was only after I met my Guru, a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) that He taught me how to complete with the painful past and drop the root patterns of anger and aggression.

Here are some of the Cosmic gems revealed by Swamiji which have helped me to transform the pattern of violence.

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The sacred science of Puja

Do you know the science behind puja?

In Vedic tradition, puja is the simplest and most authentic way you can connect and commune with the Divine. It awakens in one the Advaita Bhakti – the space of devotion rooted in Oneness with Cosmic Consciousness. For millennia, across all changing ages, the different puja rituals have been practiced and passed down to generations proving their sacredness and power.

I was first introduced to the sacred ritual of Sri Guru Puja in June 2009 when I was attending a 21-day Yoga and spiritual retreat called Inner Awakening in Bengaluru, India with a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). Since then, offering Sri Guru Puja has become part and parcel of my daily spiritual routine. In Vedic tradition, Guru is everything – he is Father, Mother, Teacher, Dear Friend, Beloved, Protector, Liberator and the Living Deity (Sachala Murti). The happening of Guru is the direct grace of Sadashiva-AdiShakti and all gods-goddesses. Sri Guru Puja is offering gratitude to the Sri Guru, the living embodiment of Sadashiva (Consciousness) and AdiShakti (Energy & Power). It is a beautiful opportunity to connect deeply with the Guru and express gratitude, love and surrender. When this puja is performed with integrity, it will establish one in a state of Oneness with the Guru.

From my experience, I struggled a lot in the initial period with the chanting of the Sanskrit mantras as you could imagine for a Chinese who was not born in Hinduism and Vedic culture. I remembered when I first started performing Sri Guru Puja, I used a recorded chanting as a guide. For 2 months I was totally dependent on the recording. One day, something happened which sparked a change. During the puja, when I was offering the Arati (fire), the burning camphor on the holder fell off and the flame starting burning the newspaper on the floor. I panicked and quickly put off the fire with water. Suddenly I received a click from this incident, the Divine had sent a strong message about my lack of authenticity in offering Sri Guru Puja. The moment I became aware of this inauthenticity, I declared that I would stop offering Sri Guru Puja until I learned to chant the mantras properly. With a conscious decision and will persistence, within 2 weeks, I was able to chant all the Sanskrit mantras properly and resumed the daily Sri Guru Puja.

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