Do you know that, in each one of us, there are three knots called granthis?
The inspiration for this article happened during my 28-day fasting called Pachai-pattini vathram (PPV) in 7th March – 3rd Apr 2021. This was my second year taking up this fasting after the inspiration by my Guru, HDH Bhagawan Nithyananda Paramashivam, and I must say the experience had been so amazing. Pachai-pattini Vathram is an annual fasting by Devi Mahamari Amman where she would herself fast for four weeks in order to safeguard the interests of her countless devotees. It was during this period of penance (tapas), so many extraordinary insights about body and yoga got revealed to me that I was inspired to design an 8-part series of Tantra Yoga module. The feedback and breakthroughs the students shared, have been extremely encouraging. Hence, I decided to share about the yogic understanding about the three granthis.
Do you know that you can download anything using an awakened third eye initiated by an enlightened Guru?
See, the Third Eye is a natural superpower available to every human being. Beyond the two eyes, we have a third possibility, with which we can perceive the whole Cosmos. Third Eye is located at the point between your eyebrows and nose. It is known as an intra-organ – the intra organs are like a bridge between consciousness and internal organs.
Do you enjoy the power of holding wealth or the joy of spending and circulating it?
I tell you frankly, wealth is such an awareness game! Shifting from hoarding wealth to circulating wealth is one of the biggest lessons that I’ve learned about the secrets of wealth creation from Vedic tradition. Essentially, there are two types of attitude towards wealth: 1) Kubera and 2) Lakshmi. Kubera is the deity who is famous for hoarding wealth, all his life he collects and collects; and never thinks of spending the wealth. Like many of us, he carries a kind of neurotic obsession with hoarding inordinate amount of wealth that he is never ever going to spend it. Kubera is the one who enjoys the subtle power that holding wealth can bring, but in the end he neither enjoys the wealth nor allow others to enjoy it. Singapore has been known as the land of Kubera, this is the way I was taught by society – to hoard my wealth due to my insecurity.