Which spectrum do you make decisions?

Do you know that we are the one who attracts pain and suffering including accidents into our lives? This may be a shocking statement to digest logically but this is the truth! You see, from our thoughts out of which the consciousness we express, we attract the types of people, situations and experiences into our subjective world. If you understand we are nothing but energy, you can slowly digest this. The frequency which our thoughts, words and actions are expressed, we create a chain effect – the cause & the effect. This is called the karmic cycle. Fundamentally, everything in life is a choice we make. When we have forgotten that we are the one choosing, we start blaming others.

So a key question is – how do we make decisions in life?

In the Vedic tradition, there are 7G in the spectrum of frequency where we take decisions or actions in life. In the different spectrum of our consciousness, the things we attract will be different.

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Living an Authentic Life

Do you know the difference between honesty and authenticity?

This is my understanding. First of all, honesty is definitely a better quality than dishonesty as we all know dishonesty only leads to more mess and suffering in life.

Many people claim that they are honest, for example, they pay their taxes regularly to their country, they would admit their mistakes, they express anger with someone if it is not right, they tell you off if they are offended, they would even come clean with their spouse if they cheat in the marriage etc. Basically, if we look deeply, honesty is a social quality which is essential for living together in a community. But honesty is built on ego because honesty demands and sometimes tries to torture others. Fundamentally, honesty is a poor substitute for authenticity.

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In a Mood For Poetry

  Here are some of my favourite poems by Gerry Hillier which I collected over the past 5 years after attending the annual yoga retreat in Australia. Enjoy. Gerry will be visiting Singapore in mid May, if you are keen to attend her workshops, check out www.theowlcompany.com.  


I am

said the leaf

in stillness and then

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