A Completion of a Mother and Her Child

How do you motivate and inspire an intelligent 12 y.o. child who feels suffocated by the dreadful Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) in the local educational system?

This pretty much sums up the predicament I was experiencing with my son, Kai before we left for Brisbane last week. Kai is a very happy child with such pure innocence and pure heart. But, I’ve noticed that ever since this year, he has been swarmed by the avanlanche of school worksheets and examination papers given by different teachers. This has taken a toll on his otherwise free-spirit. His school bag is constantly filled with papers of worksheets of different subjects. In addition, his daddy had engaged 2 language tuitors to help him hone his English and Chinese language skills. While trying to plough along with the system, Kai found other distractions to amuse himself from the monotony of school work – he started playing online game like Tanki Online which gave him a certain recognition and sense of achievement in the gaming community. He also engaged himself in listening to classical music and some slapstick youtube videos as a way to de-stress himself. But he is not inspired in his studies, merely doing what he was told. His spirit was somewhat numbed by his current life. Many times, I saw him slacked off and had to remind him to get back to his studies. Soon it became a nag to him and his resistance ensued. Besides loving him and giving him fulfilment at many levels, I knew something was still missing in his life. There was an awareness of the problem, but I didn’t have a solution yet.

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How to hold the space of possibilities for your child?

When a soul takes a human body and lands on planet earth in a meditative state, that pure state of awareness is a space of unimaginable unlimited possibilities which is beyond the comprehension of our limited human mind. That space is the space of a child. As children are the embodiment of life itself, they are always so full of life, filled with creativity, new possibilities and joy. If parents are able to hold a conducive space of possibilities for their children to flower into spiritual beings, they will become the awakened ones.

Having worked with children since 2010 and experienced the space of a child, I am able to relate with children from their space. In their space, literally I can feel what they experience with their parents.

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View Autism from Spiritual Perspective

I am really delighted that I shall be leading a 15-mins Brain Yoga session in a public community event called “Walk For Autism” next Saturday, 8th November from 7.30 am – 12.00pm at PathLight School. This event is organised by Youth Executive Committee from People Association Ang Mo Kio GRC (Group Representation Constituency) & Seng Kang SMC (Single Member Constituency). The aim of this event is to educate the public about autism and bring awareness about how we can support these children and their parents.

This year, I’ve started some work with children of special needs and from my experience, they have to be understood from the spiritual perspective so that we can really help them from the right context. Fundamentally, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, we can only be understood from the space of Wholeness.

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