Manifesting in Oneness

How is it like to manifest a new reality in Oneness with your teamily?

See, for the last 7 years, I have been managing my business by my own which gave me the tremendous confidence and freedom to do what I am most passionate about and inspire myself. It was such a refreshing relief from my corporate days filled with internal politics and different agendas of individuals. I enjoyed the expansion especially in the area of awakening the spiritual quality of responsibility and authenticity by stretching myself to my peak capacity. But I discovered that I can only grow the company to the knowledge and skillsets I have at this moment, yet the vast possibilities remain untapped.

In April 2017, I had the fortune of starting the second company, Space of Purity and Awareness (SPA) in Hong Kong with a group of 3 spiritual friends after I began the coaching module called ‘Be Your Own Boss’ designed for spiritual entrepreneurs. These friends are literally my teamily, meaning team and family – a new word coined by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also known as Swamiji). Teamily are fundamentally the ideological family with whom you share certain common ideologies of spirituality.

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Space of a living teacher vs. a yoga instructor


This week, as I was finalizing with my teamily (team and family) all the preparations and publicity materials of the coming workshops and training programs in Malaysia, I had an amazing click. The click was about the space of a yoga instructor vs. the space of a living yoga teacher of Adi Yogi (first Yogi – Sadashiva)!

See, in June I had developed a platform called Parents Kids Home Yoga to enable parents and kids to enjoy the benefits of yoga at the comfort of their home as well as to improve the bonding time between parents and kids. This training module aims at existing yoga practitioners and yoga teachers who are interested to let children experience the amazing Science of yoga at a tender age of 3 years old and above; and give parents the time and space to relate with their children. Many working parents especially the mothers are running behind their jobs such that they are not spending enough quality time with their kids to listen, nurture and play with them. The role they are supposed to play as a nurturer does not happen, many times children are feeling lonely at home and they start to seek entertainment or distractions such as computer games, virtual fantasies or wrong company. No wonder kids are getting irritable with short attention span as well as aggressive in their behavior. This starts a slew of social problems such as poor physical health like obesity, diabetes, behavioral problems like violence, withdrawal; and mental disorders like anxiety, depression when children are not given the right ambience during the growing up phase.

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Sitting with the Master

I just completed writing my very first eBook, titled ‘Cancer: A death sentence or a wake-up call? You Decide’ in less than 2 months! I was utterly amazed by the whole process of creation especially when I struggled to complete another book which I started writing for the last 2 years.

What’s the secret?

I discovered that many of my best creative expressions happened whenever I sat with my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (lovingly known as Swamiji), in Shaktinipada (feeling connection). Whether it is downloading certain solutions for creating new programs or developing a tailored program for a client or structuring the content for the eBook, sitting with the master is the best way to tap into the infinite Source of all knowledge.

To quote from the Vedic scripture called Guru Gita, which Sadashiva revealed the mystery of Guru to His consort, Devi Parvati, it says that ‘O lovely-faced one (Parvati), listen to my words and trust, for this Truth is most rare and unknown to anyone else in the three worlds. Guru is Brahman, the Pure Cosmic Consciousness, the Source of all that is, and none other than Brahman itself. This is the truth, this is the truth, there is no doubt. Therefore, a wise one should indeed make an effort to attain the Guru. The illusion that creates the world, that veiled knowledge originating from ignorance, resides in the body. He, by whose light, true knowledge arises is known by the word “GURU”. All sins are purified by serving the Guru’s holy feet. Thus, the embodied soul becomes Brahman. By the mere remembrance of whom, the knowledge of the Self (the inner awakening) dawns in one by itself; He, that Guru only is one’s entire wealth. Therefore, worship the Guru.’ 

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