How is it like to manifest a new reality in Oneness with your teamily?
See, for the last 7 years, I have been managing my business by my own which gave me the tremendous confidence and freedom to do what I am most passionate about and inspire myself. It was such a refreshing relief from my corporate days filled with internal politics and different agendas of individuals. I enjoyed the expansion especially in the area of awakening the spiritual quality of responsibility and authenticity by stretching myself to my peak capacity. But I discovered that I can only grow the company to the knowledge and skillsets I have at this moment, yet the vast possibilities remain untapped.
In April 2017, I had the fortune of starting the second company, Space of Purity and Awareness (SPA) in Hong Kong with a group of 3 spiritual friends after I began the coaching module called ‘Be Your Own Boss’ designed for spiritual entrepreneurs. These friends are literally my teamily, meaning team and family – a new word coined by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also known as Swamiji). Teamily are fundamentally the ideological family with whom you share certain common ideologies of spirituality.