Sensitivity to see life as a continuous rhythm

When we relate with kids, people or animals, we don’t have the awareness and sensitivity to cognize that the beings in front of us are on their journey of evolution. We really don’t know the purpose of these beings and how to help them. The limited human logic can only see the obvious but not the Whole. Due to ignorance and lack of sensitivity, sometimes we judge or do detrimental things to the beings.

I was reminded of an incident which happened in the life of Bhagavan Ramana Maharishi, an enlightened master in Tamil Nadu, South of India. He used to say to his disciples, ‘Don’t touch a single tree here, don’t disturb a single animal here’. Still, one day an unfortunate incident happened. Bhagavan had a pet dog and everyday it would come near him when he was eating. He would give it a handful of food from his own banana leaf, and the dog would eat the food and leave.
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The lesson when life takes something away from you

The last 7 months had been a period of great changes in my life. This morning when I was in the meditative state in Shaktipata (feeling connection) with Swamiji, my Guru, His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, I felt the anger within me the way my life had taken a complete turn and certain things were taken away from me. I noticed this same anger with the Guru came from my past karma, not this birth. When I was able to witness the incompletion with life and the kind of psychodrama I created unconsciously for many janmas (births), I decided to drop this pattern of anger and hurt at the feet of the Guru. Finally, I felt a powerful completion within me, with Guru and life.

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Life is a Guru

How do you respond to life whenever something traumatic happens to you?
Do you ask WHY?
Do you fall into guilt or depression?

In the first 5 months after my return from India, I have been undergoing major changes in my life which shook the very core of my being – everything which once gave me the false security were removed from my life. I plunged into a state of utter insecurity, but it only took me a few days to crawl out of this black hole of Maya (illusion).

I remembered one lesson I learned from my Guru, His Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a living incarnation (fondly known as Swamiji) when he had a compound fracture in his right hand after a horse-riding accident in 2011. He didn’t experience any pain because he never look back. He explained that whatever happened is a time shaft. Time shaft should not be looked back, no post-mortem. Either look at the time with complete acceptance or gratitude. He looked at Kalabhairava (Lord of Time) only with gratitude.

He said “Kalabhairava is Guru (dispeller of darkness). Life is a Guru. Don’t look at life with a ‘WHY’. A ‘WHY’ towards life always brings suffering. ‘WHY’ does not give answers. It gives only more and more suffering. So, look at life with either complete acceptance or gratitude.

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