Wealth and Spirituality

Do you think wealth and spirituality are in conflict? Do you feel guilty about becoming wealthy? Do you have problem attracting wealth?

 I used to carry a few wrong ideas about wealth due to my past childhood conditioning until I attended an Enlightened Wealth programme in 2011 by my guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. It changed many of the wrong root patterns I carried about wealth! Since then I’ve seen an increase in my ability to create wealth. You may ask how can we learn about wealth from a sannyasi – one who does not touch money?!  The truth is only enlightened master, who has gone beyond wealth, is fit to speak about the secrets of wealth creation because he can’t be made wealthy by any material wealth in the outer world.

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Science of Manifestation

I was reminded of a straight truth by my guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda – “Life can be equated to 2 things i.e. whether you have an ability to achieve what you want in the inner and outer world or just getting stuck in both the worlds. These are the only 2 equations.”

Life gives us the freedom to choose either to be powerful or powerless. To be able to achieve what you want in both the inner and outer worlds, you need to understand the science of manifestation. Manifestation is one of the oldest fascinating sciences in Vedic tradition. How an idea can be taken and put into the very source of our body and manifest itself as reality? Like how our body was manifested in our mother’s womb, we too carry a seed energy called Hiranya Garba (the cosmic womb) in which if an idea is planted and it can manifest. All of us have that cosmic womb within us. Any idea we put in the Hiranya Garba becomes a reality or possibility which directly adds to our life.

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Be a Light Unto Yourself

Today is Vesak Day – a very auspicious day in celebration of  the enlightenment of Gautama Buddha. In remembrance of this great being, his compassion and enormous contribution to the human consciousness, I would like to share with my readers a real-life incident which happened to Lord Buddha’s life before he left his body. This happening was taken from Osho’s book – “The Buddha said”, gifted by a dear friend from USA.

When Buddha was dying, all his disciples gathered around him to listen to his final teaching to the world.  Ananda, his chief disciple was crying and weeping. And Budhha said “Stop! What are you doing? Why are you crying and weeping?”

Ananda said, “You are leaving us. I was with you for 40 years. I walked with you, I slept with you, I ate with you, I listened to you – I was just like a shadow to you, and yet..…you were available and I could not become enlightened. Now I am crying that you are going, you are leaving. Without you, it seems impossible for me to become enlightened.  Even with you, I could not become enlightened. I have missed such a great opportunity. Without you..now there is NO hope. That’s why I am crying, I am not crying because you are dying because I know you cannot die. I am crying because now for me there is no hope. Now, with your death, starts my dark night of the soul. For eons of time, millions of years, I will be stumbling in the darkness.  Hence I am crying – not for you, but for myself.”

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