I had such a fantastic time in Taiwan last week teaching the second module of Mothers Love Kids Yoga Teachers Training. During this training, I had added one important process for the six aspiring teachers – Love Samyama so that they could once again re-connect to the original space of love for self and the Whole. Some of the teachers were moved to tears as they had disconnected from this space for so long. This is such an important click especially for teachers who are going to work with children’s space. Their ability to experience this space of love for self and the Whole will help them transmit the qualities of self-love to the kids. Unless we are able to relate to this pure space of love for self and the whole, we can’t experience the feeling of being worthy, creative and alive.
Let me explain the meaning of samyama. I learned the secrets of Samyama from my Guru, a living incarnation – Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji). He revealed that samyama is the technology through which the extraordinary experiences and power; which are in your super consciousness, are expressed through your body to the world. Your super consciousness is all knowing, all pervading, but preparing your body and mind to radiate some of those great powers and expressing those powers, that technology is samyama. Samyama is the essence of the Hindu tradition, the core of Vedic tradition. Samyama is the “applied science” of pure yoga science. Science has 2 parts – theories & applied in practical life. Samyama is the applied science that brings value to pure science. Powers like materialization, teleportation, levitation etc. are a part of Hindu Vedic tradition, the applied science is used to inspire people towards pure science. All the juicy part of Sanatana Hindu Dharma is the applied science.
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