Life is a Great Mystery

You may realize by now that life is a great mystery.

Some people are still struggling to figure it out, some are totally lost in their lives while some are already being swallowed by the pain and suffering in life. Then there are some wise ones who are living in great ecstasy, in expansion of creativity and fulfilment.

Fundamentally, each soul has to figure out the mystery of life by travelling on a path of conscious expansion. There are 2 ways to learn from life – the first method is to go through every experience in everything but this takes too long as we must remember our time on planet earth is limited. The second method is to learn from the right source of knowledge, from the realized ones or the enlightened beings. I had the fortune of learning from the enlightened source through my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda.

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Plan For A Graceful Exit

Are you the type who lives with the idea that you will never encounter death? Do you avoid talking about death till you are at your deathbed?

Death is the most mysterious of mysteries. There are 2 groups of people on planet earth: one group who believes in life after death and those who do not believe in rebirth. In the Western philosophy, they don’t believe the concept of rebirth because their logical minds do not allow them to believe it since there is no proof. That is why the secret of death is not a popular concept in the West because it can never be proved scientifically. Hence people in the West are in a hurry and great anxiety to fulfil all their desires as soon as possible since they think they don’t have a second chance. With this belief driving their cognition, they start to search for the maximum comfort and joy from the outer world. It also creates a sense of purpose in life and the concept of God in them.

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Everything Starts With Listening

Do you know that listening is the fastest way of learning? Do you realise that most people around you hardly listen?  They may be pretending they are listening, but their mind is too busy trying to formulate a response to you or they are having a separate conversation with themselves. Once I was suffering with the poor listening skill. It was only after I started my spiritual work on myself that I realised everything in life starts with authentic listening.

The human race is suffering from one serious degeneration in learning ability i.e. transmission of knowledge through listening. The listening skill of the modern men has suffered so much that the younger generation is also losing the innate ability of pure listening at a quicker speed than their parents! The problem that our society is facing now is – listening has dropped so much; instead the logical thinking has taken over.

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