A Message to Children of God

I am Divine Mother and I have come to give you a message on this day – the Children’s Day.

Before I begin, I would like you to come into the space of listening. It is only when you listen like a child with innocence, you are able to get back to a pure space where there is no judging, reasoning and analysing inside you, only transmission happens. In this space, you are able to relate with ME as Divine Mother. Or else, you will be doubting this message from the smallness of your intellect.

My dear one, you have been away for too long, it is time you come back home.  All the moments of struggle and powerlessness in your life, and the longing you experienced are the reminders from ME that you need to get back to the space of Wholeness.

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Live Your Life Without Worries

There was a time in my life I used to worry a lot during my younger days because I did not have the spiritual understanding to handle my mind and its different negative emotions. Sometimes the worries could get so intense that it became an anxiety attack or it would trigger some digestive problems. Looking back, I feel only deep gratitude for the beautiful inner space that my master, Paramhamsa Nithyananda created in me where no worries can ever touch me. I would like to share with my readers some of the deeper insights I discovered about worries and how you can embrace a worry-free life.

There are a few important things we need to understand about worries.

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Past has no Future, Future has no Past

This morning I received a call for help by a girlfriend who was psychologically being tortured by her mother who constantly nagged at her, telling her how she should behave and live her life, her expectations of her. That poor girl was almost at a stage of mental breakdown as she felt her mother was controlling her life even though she is already in her late 30’s. Her mother was so stuck in her past with all her incompletions and she was vomiting all her past fears into her daughter.

Frankly, I realise that there are many people around us who are so stuck in their dead past, they waste their entire life brooding over the past, as a result they can’t create a new future. I was also one of them who was stuck by the dead weight of my past till I met my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He helped me to understand the futility of the past.

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