Sankalpa: Sowing the Seed of Change

Do you know the science of setting a resolution or intention?

In the Vedic tradition, there is a powerful practice called Sankalpa, it’s like sowing the seed of change for whatever reality we want to cause. The Sanskrit word – San means altogether, Kalpa comes from Kalpana which means idea. So Sankalpa means that all my ideas and thoughts have united in only one thought, one idea, one goal, and that is defined in this undertaking. Therefore, Sankalpa is a resolution or commitment that is the most effective means of training our mind by reminding ourselves constantly of our highest possibility.

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Yoga Nidra: Art of Conscious Relaxation and Transformation

A few days ago, I was doing some research for my up and coming workshop on Yoga Nidra, during this exploration one thing that dawned on me was the degradation of human consciousness we experience today is highly linked to the immense tensions in the body-mind system.

You may think that relaxation is very simple, just recline your body and shut your eyes! Not really! Others use many sensory diversions such as drinking a cup of coffee or tea, light a cigarette or read newspaper, a book or watch television in the disguise of relaxation. But these will never suffice as a scientific definition of relaxation because true relaxation is actually an experience where you must remain in awareness. Modern men have forgotten how to relax consciously.

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Living with Integrity: A Deeper Understanding

Smart young girl stood infront of a blackboard

For the last 4 months, I have been soaking in the more subtle dimensions of the first Cosmic Principle – Integrity as a teacher for the children in Nithyananda Bala Vidyalaya ( a weekend programme for children) as well as for the adults in my current yoga classes. My master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda once said that you can learn 75% of a great truth from reading scriptures, learning from master and doing practice, but the remaining 25% will be complete unless we start teaching the truth to others.  This is absolutely true!

Integrity is a spiritual value which is beyond morality and ethics. Morality and ethics can vary from era, country, society but integrity is absolute which remains unchanged forever. Integrity is the very foundation on which our lives are built. The structure of our lives is nothing but the words we give to ourselves and to others. Do you know that our words create our destiny? They are the life force that fuels us. Integrity forms part of our very life energy, the very air we breathe.

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