Five Elements in Man

I have this fascination with Siddha Tradition because the Siddhas are the masters abiding as “consciousness that illuminates”. The ancient Siddhas speak of numerous remedies solving basic human problems using everything available in the world for that purpose – every plant, animal or mineral. Their medicinal knowledge remains unsurpassed in the entire world. It is the first system to emphasize health as the ideal perfected state of the physical, psychological, social and spiritual components of a human being.

As a spiritual healer, it is very natural that I gravitate towards the healing science of Siddha Tradition. One of the fascinating truth that I am exploring now is the healing of the human body through the deeper understanding of the five elements! I discovered the guidance from the book “Siddhas – Masters of the Basics” which I like to share with my readers.

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Sacred Secret About Birth

Two years ago, I had a profound experience when my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also known as Swamiji) started channelling the Akashik Reading based on various topics about life.

Akashik Reading is the record of sacred secret knowledge from the Source, an independent intelligence of Cosmos. How the creator feels the life should be? What for he created what he created? What for he maintains and what for he rejuvenates and what for he is refreshing? Swamiji said that in this reading, nobody is involved other than the ultimate superior source of creation. This knowledge is complete unto themselves, it is uneditable, unaltered or manipulated. The records give the understanding for anybody to live in tune with Cosmos, the Jeevan Mukthi – living enlightenment. When we listen to this great reading, naturally our negative logic is penetrated and broken, these great truths settle into our inner space and they make us live enlightenment.

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Haritakki – The Spiritual Cleanser

Do you know that in Vedic tradition, there is a drink of the Gods?

This drink is called Haritakki power (also known as Kadukaai podi), it is said in ancient Vedic scriptures that the Haritaki came to life when a nectar drop fell from the cup of Indra, the King of heaven. In fact, the power of Haritakki is recorded in ‘Chikitsa Sthana’, the special therapy section of the early Ayurvedic text, the “Charaka Samhita”, or the ‘Compendium of Charaka’ dating as far back as 300 B.C. Ayurveda is the sacred science of longevity, holistic health, well-being in the Vedic tradition.

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