Transcend the Patterns of Possessiveness & Jealousy

Recently I’ve been working with a female client on her possessiveness and jealousy patterns for 2 months. She is a very attractive, bubbly young lady with a beautiful heart. She came to me after attending one Friday yoga class with me and asked if I could help her on some of her issues. She shared that she had been experiencing a lot of frustration, constant tiredness, at times desperation from a shrinking feeling with her life, literally so much of her energy was being sapped away by these two patterns!

Firstly, we started to dig into her past incidents which contributed to the development of incompletions with relationships and a constant need for attention and approval of others inside her. She was able to identify a list of incidents from her past clearly and started to complete with them.

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10 things we can give to children

I’ve been working with children since 2010, I must say that these four and half years of working with children have been the most transformational personally in my spiritual expansion.

Children are our true teachers in life for they taught me so many things that I wouldn’t have realised about myself and life. It is our arrogance that we fail to recognise the divinity in children. Working with children is a quick path to expansion because it simply exposes all the patterns we are stuck with in life. We discover their space they are living is such pure space filled with huge possibilities. Unless you are able to accept that they know more than you, your ego won’t allow you to relate with them from the right space.

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Say ‘YES’ to Life

When we don’t have the right understanding about life, we resist life in many perverted ways.

Before I started my seeking, my understanding about life mainly came from my past experiences, my limited cognitions as well as the social conditioning by family and society. I was not so fortunate enough to have a proper guidance from a higher consciousness in my early age, so life felt like a dread for me by the time I grew up. The first thing that life made me experience was intense fear and violence that created tensions and shrinkage in my otherwise expanded space which I came down with. Next, I felt that life was filled with sadness, poverty, pain and suffering, jealousy, guilt, sickness and death. By and by, life became a struggle – to study, to make a comfortable living, to be happy, to look good, to please others, to fit in, to get married, to start a family,….no wonder life felt like a load. With all the ignorance and patterns of incompletion, I was constantly saying “NO” to life over the years. I was living aimlessly, being pushed and pulled by the fears and greed. Deep down, I didn’t feel I belonged here, I just wanted to go ‘HOME’, a space of joy and peace. I could see a default future I was heading – a life of suffering and diseases.

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