Kundalini Demystified

I remembered when I first heard about the word “Kundalini” was from my former yoga teacher some 14 years ago, she warned me about the danger of awakening this innate energy which could lead to many disorders like hallucination, sex perversion, depression and mental breakdown. At that time the space I received this information was from fear, not the right understanding. From this misunderstanding, the cognition I made at that time was not to awaken my Kundalini energy for fear of all the dangers.

It was only after I met my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda that I was given the right context from the enlightened consciousness which helped me to drop all the fears and welcome the awakening of this innate potential energy within me.

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The Joy of Living in a Sangha

There are 2 types of families – one is the blood-related family and the other is the ideological family. The former is the family we are born into whereas the latter is the family which connects us to certain ideals.

A sangha is an ideological family, a spiritual community which is kept alive only by giving and sharing spiritual experience with others. Since we are no hermits living in a cave, we are fundamentally social beings living in a community.

Lord Buddha once said that – To experience nirvana (enlightenment), 3 things are needed: Buddha (the master), dharma (His teachings) and sangha (a spiritual community). He also said that the future of sangha should be filled with tremendous friendliness. A person who supports the life’s mission is a “Mitra”, a friend.

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View Autism from Spiritual Perspective

I am really delighted that I shall be leading a 15-mins Brain Yoga session in a public community event called “Walk For Autism” next Saturday, 8th November from 7.30 am – 12.00pm at PathLight School. This event is organised by Youth Executive Committee from People Association Ang Mo Kio GRC (Group Representation Constituency) & Seng Kang SMC (Single Member Constituency). The aim of this event is to educate the public about autism and bring awareness about how we can support these children and their parents.

This year, I’ve started some work with children of special needs and from my experience, they have to be understood from the spiritual perspective so that we can really help them from the right context. Fundamentally, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience, we can only be understood from the space of Wholeness.

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