Experience of Oneness begins with your body

Since January 2015, I have been soaking in the profound sacred knowledge of Upanishads (literally means sitting at the feet of master), which is the highest truth about consciousness through the daily satsang of Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). Many powerful truths were revealed about consciousness (Eesha).

In the first verse of Ishavasya Upanishad, it declares: Eeshaavaasyamidham Sarvam Yathkincha Jagathyaam Jagath – meaning “Everything is Consciousness, the whole thing is filled with consciousness and intelligence”.

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Yoga for the Brain

Last May, I was tasked to design a foundation yoga module for kids and in the process, one of the discoveries I made was brain yoga. This work which I took up created a deeper understanding of another dimension of yoga and opened up a new possibility for me to help children with special needs.

What is Brain Yoga or Yoga for the brain?

Yoga for the brain is a set of postures or movements designed to integrate the left and right side functions of the brain and break our mental patterns or unconscious habitual way of responding to life. It also encourages the development of new brain grooves so that we start experiencing new possibilities. The activities are rooted in ancient Vedic practices that have been refined over time.

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Death is a passage

Monday early morning, Singapore just lost her founding Father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew who passed on at the age of 91 years old. Mr Lee Kuan Yew was revered by many in the world as one of the most visionary leaders of our time. Not only did he fight for self-Government from the British colonial masters, he also later led Singapore into merger with Malaysia believing that this was the best option for Singapore’s future. When the merger fell apart, he took Singapore out of Malaysia and built a nation from nothing during the most difficult years.

He built up a strong defence capability to protect Singapore’s sovereignty, a vibrant economy which created many jobs, a sound education system and world-class infrastructure, housing and environment. Literally he transformed Singapore from a Third World to a First World country. He was known for his working style – meticulous, persistent, with tremendous drive and spirit, never quitting. He also ensured a successful transitioning of Singapore beyond him through leadership succession.

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