Your sincerity has the power to move God

I love reading some of these true experiences of the saints and enlightened beings as they are so inspiring! Here are 3 beautiful accounts of how one’s sincerity can literally move God!

Story of Ramanuja and his Lord Vishnu deity.

This is an interesting happening in Ramanuja acharya’s life, a south Indian philosopher who helped to consolidate the Visistadvaita Vedanta (qualified non-dualism) School of Hindu philosophy and is renowned as a saint by the Sri Vaisnava branch of Hinduism. According to Hindu legend, his parents prayed for a son, and it is said that the Hindu god, Lord Vishnu incarnated himself as Ramanuja. As a child, Ramanuja demonstrated an aptitude for philosophy.

One day, one of the Mughal Kings had come to Ramanuja’s small village and had completely pillaged everything in it, including Ramanuja’s favourite deity of Lord Vishnu. Ramanuja went to the Mughal King and managed to convince him to give it back to his deity. The Mughal King agreed and took him to a vast storage area where hundreds and hundreds of deities were stored. Ramanuja just called out “Chellai Pillai” (meaning ‘Come back, My Beloved’ in Tamil) and immediately his beloved deity of Lord Vishnu came into his arms from the piles of deities in the storeroom.

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Intelligence brings you result

Intelligence is not something to be attained because every being is endowed with intelligence, it is the inherited inborn quality of life.  Just like nature, from caterpillar to chimpanzee, every animal lives its life beautifully using natural gift of intelligence. Everyone is born intelligent; it is just a question of discovering each one’s unique dimensions of intelligence.

Unfortunately, over time many of us have lost touch with our natural intelligence due to several factors. Firstly, due to the proliferation of Western educational system where so much undue importance is given to logic and analysis, we start to mistake the acquired knowledge as intelligence. As a result, the activities related to the left side of the brain is active whereas the right side of the brain, which is related to creativity and artistic expression, is less stimulated. No wonder human beings are not living life to the fullest potential since we are not utilising our whole brain capacity. In Vedic tradition, the ancient masters, sages and rishis know that for a complete being to express itself, both the brains need to be balanced, then you will see your natural intelligence flowering beautifully.

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Discover Love

Love is that which risks everything, gives anything and asks for nothing.

~ HDH Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam (fondly known as Swamiji)

What we know as ordinary love is just the hormonal gush which works on the emotional push and pull of greed, fear, anger and jealousy. This kind of love driven by hormones and the mind creates only mental hell. Unfortunately, for most of us, we only experience this kind of conditional love.

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