In the breathing space of a living avatar

How many people get to spend 3 months in the breathing space of a living incarnation (avatar)?

I am one of the 92 blessed beings from a database of 17,000 devotees specially handpicked by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) to be part of this 3-month program called Nithyananda Yogam. This program was designed by Swamiji to give the participants a glimpse of the mystical yet divine experience he had with his Guru, Arunagiri Yogeswhara (an incarnation of Lord Shiva) at the age of 9. The space of deep love and devotion in a casual setting which he revered with Arunagiri Yogeswhara, Swamiji is opening up this sweet space for us to have a taste of this unique Guru-disciple relationship. Literally we get to live with him in his breathing space in his courtyard called Adikaranandi in this campus. I belong to the second batch of Nithyananda Yogam called Navaratri batch since the program started before the celebration of Navaratri (9 nights of celebrating Cosmic Mother).

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Wake up from the Maya Matrix

Did you watch the movie Matrix?

In this movie, the hero, Neo tried to get himself out of the clutches of the matrix. This movie was actually inspired by the sacred knowledge in Vedic tradition which revealed about the Maya (illusion) we are all caught in.

According to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a living avatar (fondly known as Swamiji), he gave a discourse of the 25 states of consciousness in a Jeeva (individual soul), 11 dimensions of Jagat (Universe) and 5 aspects of Eshwara (Sadashiva, the Supreme Awakened Being who is responsible for both the Manifest & Unmanifest).

Catch the essence here:

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Science of manifesting a new reality

I’ve just manifested a new reality which I would have thought as something impossible in the past! I am going to be trained personally by a living avatar (Paramahamsa Nithyananda, fondly known as Swamiji) together with a group of disciples in a program called Nithyananda Yogam for 3 months as part of my next spiritual expansion and possibility. It is the most blessed gift by an enlightened master to his disciples.

How did I manifest it?

I am really thrilled to share with you the science of manifestation as taught by my Guru. There are a few important sacred secrets expounded by Swamiji that you need to know before you begin.

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