Release Guilt Awaken Intelligence

Guilt – the very word itself carries so much heaviness.

I was reminded of a real incident which happened to an American lady who had a tumour at the end of her spinal cord for 20 years. She came for healing from my master as the tumour had reappeared after a surgery.

When he started talking to her and tracing back to the origin of the problem, she started weeping because she was a sexually abused victim at a young age. That guilt stayed with her and she started to hate that part of her body by turning the hatred towards that person towards her own body. After going through a cathartic meditation technique consciously, she was healed within 10 days!  The tumour never came back!

From this incident, we can see how guilt plays a major role in most of our ailments because it blocks our energy flow and causes psychological disturbances and diseases. Guilt is like a wedge inserted into our inner space, it retards our growth and puts us into a vicious cycle of misery and suffering.

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Don’t Allow Opinions and Gossips in Your Inner Space

Are you one of those people who make decisions by the opinions or appraisals of others? Do gossips among your social network cause disturbance to you even though you know it is not true?

In today’s Digital Age, we are surrounded by all forms of opinions, gossips, appraisals, sometimes even all kinds of irresponsible defamation in the social media.  We’ve seen how people fall into depression or even turn suicidal just because they are not able to handle what they read or hear in the social media or workplace.

A study was done in USA from 120 college students and they found that gossips changed their own opinions and the influence of gossip remained even the people had personal interactions. This experiment showed the power of social conditioning and the weakness of human mind because they rather believe what others are telling than trusting their personal experience.

How can we go beyond social coditioning and not allow any negative influence into our inner space?

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Science of Breathing (part iv): Breath is Your Gateway to Inner World


There is an expression from Bihar School of Yoga:-

Beyond the physical body exists energy, beyond energy exists the mind, beyond the mind exists consciousness, beyond consciousness exists Superconsciousness.

Even the Bible implies that man was given consciousness and life through the breath: The Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathing into his nostrils the breath of life, he became a living soul.” (Gen 2:10). This is a symbolic expression of the process of materialisation of matter and life together through prana and consciousness.

Modern scientists are discovering that there is an energy link between the physical and psychic bodies. They have arrived at the conclusion that energy or pranic force is convertible into material force and the material force is convertible into pranic force. So Science has come to the conclusion that every existing thing is a composite structure of energy and matter.

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