Balanced Learning Creates New Possibility for Children

Last weekend I was away in Malaysia as a volunteer in a kids’ memory camp for 4 days called eN-Genius Memory Camp. It was such an eye opener for me being a by-product of the left-brain centric education system of Singapore which was deeply influenced by the British colonial system.

The truth is the modern education system is not designed to facilitate the whole-brain activation; it only teaches us to cramp as much information as possible which makes learning a painful experience for children. That is why many children develop this deep hatred for school and examinations because the learning has become a dreadful experience. It completely takes away the joy of learning in life. Our current educational system only teaches children the IQ (Cognitive Intelligence) and perhaps a little EQ (Social-Emotional Intelligence) which results in only barely 5-10% of the brain capacity is being activated. This is such a poor representation of a child’s limitless potential intelligence yet parents and the education system are so concerned about such benchmark. The other 90%, which is not utilised, constitutes the Spiritual Quotient (Spiritual Intelligence) and Wisdom Quotient (Wisdom Intelligence). When the child is born they have 100% right brain use and slowly the child adapts itself to the left brain world and eventually forgets to use the right brain, which is the biggest loss for mankind.  The right brain is responsible for creativity, intuition, spontaneity, quantum memory, learning in a flash, and computer like calculations etc. By the time a child reaches 6 or 7 years of age, the right side of the brain becomes closed due to societal conditioning. When this happens, human civilisation can not evolve into new dimensions.

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Salute to Your Inner Sun

Do you know the significance of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation)?

Today, Surya Namaskar is sometimes reduced to just a set of preparatory warm-up exercise in a yoga practice. The original understanding of this practice and benefits had been lost because many teachers are not interested in the sacred sentiments of this beautiful practice. I had the fortune of meeting a living enlightened master who revived the body language of yoga according to Patanjali, the father of Yoga. My own practice of Surya Namaskar had been completely transformed when it was practiced with bija mantra, slow breathing, chakra awareness and above all, in deep gratitude and devotion. Let me share it with my readers.

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9 Obstacles to being in Presence

Life is a long journey which we all have to go through; we have to realize our own Presence. But this journey of self discovery has to be travelled alone by ourselves. No one is going to help us. We have to raise our self by our Self.  A teacher, master or guru can only support us, but he or she can do no more that this.

To realize our own Presence is to reach the level of our being. Without touching base with our being, we will not be able to experience what life is really about. By not entering into the space of being, we miss the ecstasy of being. When we raise our awareness and turn inwards to focus on our inner space, we discover that the source of all joy lies within ourselves. This is the purpose of human birth – to realize the divinity within us.

However, there are 9 obstacles in life known as maya (illusions) which divert us from our true mission in life and prevent us from experiencing our Self, our presence. They are:-

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