A Healing Note For Amy Cheong

In case, you are wondering – who is Amy Cheong?

She is a senior executive of National Trade Union Congress (NTUC) in Singapore who recently created a nation-wide sensation due to her online rant with a racist Facebook posting regarding Malays. She was sacked within 24 hrs after she made the post.

She wrote that Malay weddings held at the void decks of HDB flats should be banned and also went on her rant with offensive post to the Malays. Her comments went viral and drew a torrent of criticism, even threats from the public on both Facebook and Twitter especially in a multi-racial Singapore where racial tolerance is very much advocated. Within 12 hrs, she apologised on Facebook for the comments which she attributed to her being “upset with the noise” from her flats. By then damage was already done. A police report was lodged against her and she could be charged in court. She has since fled to Perth, Australia where she is a citizen.

Amy Cheong may be going through the suffering of losing her job and the public backlash from the impulsive and offensive remarks. But she still has to pick up the pieces and continue with her life. If she is intelligent, she would look in and contemplate on the important life lessons from this whole episode so that she does not make the same mistake again.

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Being Eternally Youthful is a Conscious Choice

You may have seen some wise old folks still exuding an enormous youthfulness whereas a self-indulgent teenager looking like an aged man.  Do you know that youth is actually related to your Being and not your body?

In our society, we are conditioned to think youth is related to certain age or a life stage. Nope, being youthful is the very quality of life, it has a lot to do with our inner space. Ageing is related to our inner space, the idea which we carry about ourselves in our inner space  directly reflects in our body as a physical ageing.

What causes ageing according to Vedic wisdom? In the Vedic Tradition, there are a few key concepts you need to know.

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Living with Truth vs. Logic

Do you function purely out of logic or intellect in life?

Let me share with you why I have moved away from living with logic to living with truth.

We are trained by schools, institutions and society to function with just logic or intellect which is fact-based. Facts are logical which is easy for our mind, but truth is beyond logic which our mind cannot fathom. That’s why we always believe facts but doubt the truth. We can use facts to support our thinking and arguments which is easily accepted by society. By and by, we begin to believe that our mind is very logical, we are a logical person. We start to make our mind the master.

I was reminded of a perfect example given by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on facts vs. truth. The fact is you can draw a straight line. According to Albert Einstein, the truth is you CANNOT draw a straight line. To find this out, let’s do a little experiment.

Draw a straight line on a blackboard; next extend the straight line throughout the city. Then extend it further throughout the entire country. Until now it will be a straight line, again extend the straight line to the next country, and then extend it to the next continent. Soon you will realise it will be a curve of the globe. If you cover one more continent with your straight line, what will happen to your so-called straight line? It becomes a circle!

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