Heal Yourself, Heal The World

The first thing that man asks for is always physical and mental health. With any religion or master, the first utility that man looks for is “good health”. Only when good health is given, does he look further into fulfilling his deeper longings. Since time immemorial, all religions and all masters have demonstrated healing powers. Even in tribal villages, the religion followed will have healing as its core. In fact, no master is accepted as a master if he cannot restore health in people in some form or the other. Healing has beome a measure of a master’s identity.

What exactly is healing?

According to Apollonis of Tyana, a Greek philosopher, he said “Pythagoras said that the most divine art was that of healing. And if the healing art is most divine, it must occupy itself with the soul as well as the body, for no creature can be sound so long as the higher part in it is sickly.”

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Relationship itself is a Sadhana

Are you keen to improve your relationship with your partner? Do you get disturbed emotionally with relationship issues?

According to Vedic tradition, there are 2 distinct paths to travel in life – one is the path of renunciation, the other is the path of householder. Path is renunciation is called Sannyasa or Brahmacharya  which is taken by people who wish to  renounce worldly and materialistic pursuits and dedicate their lives to spiritual pursuits. The path of householder (Grihastha) is choosing a married life with a family unit. Whichever path you may choose,  both paths require us to work on self so that  it ultimately leads us to the space of Eternal Consciousness.

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Consciousness is Beyond Gender and Sexuality

Is one’s gender or sexual orientation an important factor for experiencing the cosmic consciousness or enlightenment?

This is a long-standing burning question in my mind especially I’ve seen so many gay or lesbian friends on the path of seeking. We all know that in many orthodox societies and religious communities, the gay, lesbian, transgender are not socially accepted as they are deemed as unnatural, something that is going against the law of nature. They are often viewed as the outcaste in society and many have to resort to hiding their true sexual orientation and living double lives.

Many are trapped by the rules of morality defined by society or religious community. Ostracised by mainstream society, some end up destroying their lives due to a lack of clarity on this aspect of life. What is the  right undestanding from a spiritual perspective?

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