Nirahara creates a space of new possibilities

Many people around me have been shocked or disapproved of my new liquid diet since I returned from last December spiritual retreat, especially they saw me losing almost 10 kg since June 2012. Of course, the normal logical mind will not be able to fathom how one can live without consuming any solid food as a lifestyle, let alone thinking of new possibilities!

I was reminded of a story by my master, a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda about the evolution from monkey to Homo Sapiens. It was about an expansion that happened when a few monkeys tried to become man and started to attempt walking straight on two legs.

When the first group of monkeys tried this new possibility, all other monkeys would have said “No, it cannot be done!” Naturally all the other monkeys would have asked “Aye, what is the use of walking straight? What is wrong with being a monkey? Why are you unnecessarily struggling instead of enjoying?”

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Expand Your Understanding About Life

Do you know that all our so-called pain, fear, pleasure, guilt, whatever we call as life is looked with a short view of a few hours of awareness?

Many people struggle with the pain and suffering just because they do not have a complete understanding of life itself. As of now, we have a short narrow view of life when we do our life strategy planning. If we have a complete understanding of life, we will be out of all attachments, pain and suffering. If we have a broad, complete understanding about life, it takes away practically all our sufferings and the sufferings around us.

Life is larger and broader than we think. There are 5 dimensions in life i.e. states of awareness, 5 sense organs, 5 elements, nature attributes and time factor.

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Science of Healing Through Sound

From years of teaching experience, I notice there are some people who shun mantra chanting during yoga classes or meditation due to a lack of understanding of the science behind mantra or the wrong conditioning of fear. They do not understand the true power of science of sound. My intention in this article is to help shed more light to the non-believers and laymen.

More than 5,000 years ago, there was a time in Vedic civilization near the Ganges river of India, the use of sound technology was common in human’s daily life such as watching moving images in communion with Divine, flying an ‘aircraft’, building weapons for war, communicating with animals, breaking objects like stone etc. Just by producing certain sound vibrations, the civilization was able to lead a very sophisticated lifestyle by playing with sound and Nature.  On planet earth, there are 2 traditions: 1) light -based tradition or 2) sound-based tradition i.e. the use of light particles vs. the sound particles. In the Eastern civilization, they use the sound particles to win the cosmos while the Western civilisation, they use the light particles to win over nature. In earlier period of Vedic tradition, everything was done through the sound particles. The Vedic masters were able to summon Sun and Moon and any energy just by sound and achieved whatever they needed to accomplish on the earthly plane! To them, everything is possible by creating the right sound vibrations through mantras! Unfortunately, the mass destruction of this sacred science of sound happened during the Mahabharata War and a few natural calamities, hence this powerful science of handling sound and playing with extraordinary things did not get transmitted to future generations. This is a great loss to humanity.

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