Healing Through Meditation

What is the science behind healing through meditation?

There are a few basic Vedic truths that you need to understand in order to appreciate the science of healing through meditation.

First truth – The human body (pindaanda) is the microcosmic representation of the macrocosmic universe (brahmaanda). Both are made up of the same 5 elements – earth, eater, fire, air and ether. The human body is the most evolved bio-organism on planet earth which is capable of enjoying the best things in both the inner world and outer world.

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Intuition is GPS of Your Soul

Do you know that the world’s most untapped natural resource is intuition?

Everyone has intuition; it is available in every being but unused in almost every being. The irony is – it is available very easily, but we seem to have lost this ability to tap into this natural resource because we have become too complex. Intuition is just like the smell of perfume, it disappears if we carry unconscious fear and greed. Our complex mind thrives on fear and greed. With fear or greed, they make our life juicy and give us something to do or worry about!

It is the wrong idea we carry about intuition which stops us from experiencing intuition. Normally we do not trust ourselves because since young we are taught by society not to believe in ourselves. Some people also think that having intuition is a kind of curse or suffering because it awakens one’s fear. This is true if one does not have the energy and intelligence to digest and handle the intuitive power.

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Responsibility is panacea for all diseases

How can taking responsibility be a cure for all diseases?

For a logical mind, this is too much of a claim!

As a spiritual healer, I was feeling too ecstatic for the whole humanity the moment this revelation was gifted last month by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, a living incarnation. This is a huge vote of confidence given to me and also the spiritual healing community where we believe expansion in life is the permanent solution.

The unfortunate thing is human beings are not interested in permanent solution because it requires a new shift in cognition and transformation. Most people are merely looking for quick-fix or consolation-type of solutions which do not solve the root of their problems.

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