Rewiring of Root Cognitions for Enlightenment

Are you aware of your root cognitions?

Many of us carry certain root cognitions that form the basis how we respond to life. What you strongly believe as you is the root cognition. Basically, root cognition is a mental pattern which drives your thinking even before you recognize the quality of your thinking.

For example, some people carry the root cognition that “Life is suffering” or “Life is depression”, so even before they start solving any problem in life, the root cognition already sets the base of the battle-field. Root cognition is the line where the fight between you and your life starts. With this wrong root cognition, you can never experience joy, bliss, completion because the fundamental belief is wrong which has to be completed. So understand the importance of having the right fundamental root cognition.

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The Day I Found My Most Intimate Enemy!

I had been working on my different fears ever since I started my spiritual work. I am beyond the fear of losing material possessions because I know everything is impermanent and I trust my innate intelligence and capacity to recreate wealth even if it is taken away from me. I have no fear of losing my physical and mental health because I know how to care and maintain this body-mind system and use it as a vehicle for my achievement and my intended reality. I can handle the fear of losing my loved ones because I know that death is a liberation and celebration given to every individual soul tormented by the ignorance that they are separated from the Whole. However, I realised that there was ONE fear that I was still not able to overcome i.e. the fear of my “BIGNESS”, the Unknown. This fear had been there in my inner space for the last couple of years till I attended the latest Inner Awakening Level 4 in Bali 4 weeks ago. No doubt that there were too many profound alchemy processes in this Inner Awakening, but one of the fundamental experiences I had was going beyond my last fear!

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Evolve Your Body-Mind Through Yoga

Do you know that our original state is that of bliss (Ananda)?

In that pure original state, we are the embodiment of intelligence, love and bliss. However, many of us have forgotten this original state and we seek many other things in life such as material possessions, name and fame and power which only lead us in the wrong direction filled with intense suffering. It is our ignorance which is responsible for all of our powerlessness and sufferings. We already have enough energy and power, what we lack is knowledge (Gnana).

Time and again, the enlightened masters, sages and rishis, who happened on planet earth, constantly remind us to the truths that we need to evolve our body-mind to realise our original state of being. Patanjali, the sage who compiled the Yoga Sutras, warned us of the deeper truths about ignorance.  He said that Ignorance is the cause of unawareness of purusha (consciousness) about its real nature. Ignorance is the cause of identification of consciousness as matter, matter as consciousness and responsible for all the sufferings we have in our lives.”

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