What is the right understanding about relationship?

Recently I have been working with a few clients with relationship issues. One client realised she had a pattern of failed relationships in her life, deep down she felt the desire to be loved. However, she seemed to attract a similar type of partner which led her into the emotional roller-coaster of break-up and the loneliness. She was not able to come out of this rut in which she had been stuck for a long time. After 3 private sessions, she found the root pattern of her wrong cognition, completed it and healed herself from the past.

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Authenticity: The key to take humanity to the next level

This month I’ve just started sharing the spiritual truth of authenticity with the children of Nithyananda Weekend Gurukul program which I teach every Sunday from 2-4.30 pm. I am beginning to see the power of this tattva (spiritual truth) when we drill our mind with this ONE tattva. Just last weekend, there was one exercise where the kids were asked to make a list of things they felt they were forced to do or things they found it difficult to do. When each child shared their list, every inauthenticity simply melted down in front of the fire of authenticity, the kids were able to cognise their inauthenticity at their conscious level such that alignment happened effortlessly. It was so beautiful and fulfilling just to hear the parents’ sharing of their child’s transformation from not doing homework, dreading to go to school, spending too much time on video games or TV, throwing tantrums to even procrastination.

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Samyama: Technology for extraordinary experiences and powers

Do you know that there are many secret powers (known as siddhis in sanskrit) in you which are kept as a secret even from you?

The biggest problem is we are afraid of the powers, so slowly we keep it as a secret from ourselves. We hide them because we are afraid we may not be able to handle the powers. Powers without the intelligence to handle it can be a curse.

Siddhis are nothing but the ability to defy the laws of physics for those who are experiencing the higher frequency.  For people who can’t understand it, they are living in low frequency. The truth is even if you haven’t experienced this higher frequency or possibilities, it exists in you. The important thing is the bio-memory needs to be trained step-by-step to assess and experience these powers, otherwise the powers can confuse you.

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