On this Labour Day, for the first time I conducted a workshop outside of Singapore on the topic, “Experience Your Divinity”. I had the fortune of sharing the sacred knowledge of Divine Feminine Consciousness with a group of beautiful women in Hong Kong.
How was this workshop conceived?
As some of you may be aware from my earlier articles, when my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) spoke about Divine Feminine Consciousness in 2009, it hit me like a lightning bolt because something clicked within me very deeply.
Let me introduce the science of Mother Worship.
From the undisturbed existence of pure consciousness, a primal alteration happens – two inseparable yet distinct aspects of existence emerge. The two tattwas (principles) are the Siva Tattwa and Sakthi Tattwa. They are the beginning of cosmic evolution. Both aspects remain ever present, every prevalent and cannot exist without the other. They are also known as Purusha (cosmic spirit) and Prakrithi (the cosmic substance). Prakrithi, the cosmic substance is the divine feminine consciousness that is responsible for everything you see and experience. In each one of us, there is an energy which constantly gives birth. Anything you see and experience belongs to mother energy. Worshipping this energy is called the mother worship. Mother worship is unique to Vedic tradition, it is a gift to planet earth. All sacred things are looked upon as feminine in Vedic traditions. Expression is feminine energy, all other adjustments for this expression are masculine energy. The source of divine or creation is mother energy. Only mother energy can give liberation. Whenever mother energy is added to you, you experience enlightenment. Whenever Kundalini shakti (inner potential energy) is awakened in you, you experience a unique feminine mood/feeling i.e. you give birth to yourself. You become the cosmic mother – Devi.
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