Prepare yourself for a new conscious world order

Are you aware that the planet earth is undergoing a massive dissolution and rejuvenation itself?

Do you know there is a spiritual context in the chaos we are experiencing now?

The Covid19 pandemic may have taken less than 1% of human lives of the world population but it has fundamentally changed our livelihood and lifestyle – the way we travel, dine, work, relax on vacation, learn and entertain – everything is affected.  The question is – Are you prepared to handle the uncertainties and embrace the so-called ‘new normal’? Whenever people are imbalanced by mental breakdown due to pandemic fatigue and delusional arrogance, they fall into the danger zone of suicide. There are two types of suicide: – 1) inflicting death; and 2) inflicting destruction which is worse than death. With delusional arrogance, liberation of the soul becomes impossible for many births!  

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Time to boost your immunity

Do you know why it is so important to have a strong immunity system?

See, you are aware that people with low immunity are very susceptible to viruses and infections, especially during this period of Coronavirus pandemic. Hence, strengthening of our immunity protects us from the transmission of not just coronavirus but also future new viruses. Next, you should know that the health industry does not talk much about boosting of immunity. Why? This is because there is no money to be made! Only when you are sick, you become an income-source for them where you need to pay for expensive medication or treatment. A blind spot in healthcare! It means you have to take responsibility and effort to boost your immunity!

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Beauty and Grace

One friend of mine recently started a business on inner beauty, I was very curious about the concept of beauty in Vedic tradition. So, I decided to do some research to get a better perspective on this subject.

I remembered my Guru, HDH Bhagawan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam, a living incarnation (fondly known as Swamiji) once told us that Lord Sadāshiva explains about beauty in Agama (ancient scripture). Who is a beautiful person? Many places Lord Sadāshiva does not use the gender because we believe in 11 genders, He just says ‘beautiful being.’ There are three qualifications He gives.

First, the moment you see, that being is so stunning that your eyes should just pop up, that is automatically the eyes should dilate. Second, the grace should flow in every action, from the moment of waking up, to the moment of falling asleep, grace should permeate in every action in that being. Third, every bhāvanā (attitude) that person assumes or every aspiration he assumes whether he wears jewels or not, anything should fit and it should radiate beauty. These are the three qualifications He gives for a beautiful being.

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