Free Your Breathing

Currently, I am exploring a series of completion with pancha bhutas (5 elements – earth, water, fire, air & space) in human body and so many fascinating insights were revealed to me from the space of completion. I am also helping a client to re-pattern her shallow breathing; this gave me the inspiration to share the science with my readers.

One of the health problems that humanity is suffering is shallow breathing or a restrictive breathing pattern. This is due to factors like wrong body postures in a sedentary lifestyle, a restless mind, resistance to change and emotional traumas. While everyone knows the importance of having the freedom of the breath but many don’t know how to correct their distorted breathing pattern.

A few basic truths we need to understand:-

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Listen To Your Teenage Child

Last Saturday, I attended a very enlightening and enriching parenting workshop called “Space of a Child” conducted by Ma Rishi Advait who is the Head of Enlightened Education in Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta, a Vedic school in Bangalore, India. The topic was about “Teens and Tantrums in Children”. The biggest click I got out of the session about teenagers was – the Power of Listening. I realized that many of the problems we face with modern teenagers can be solved if only we listen to them without judging and stop making them what we want them to be.

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Re-defining Success in Life

What is your scale for measuring success in life? Is it about accumulating wealth, name and fame and power? Or is it about achieving the esoteric ultimate experience of enlightenment?

Many of us are taught by society to see success in the outer world in the form of career, happy relationships and contributions to community. We are also reminded of the importance of success in our inner world on the spiritual plane. Some people actually think that they are mutually exclusive i.e. one can only travel towards one tangent, either the material life or spiritual life. No! The truth is life is choicelessness, choosing to travel in one tangent only brings suffering because you will be missing the other dimension in life.

Life is about continuous expansion to embrace all dimensions. The moment we resist expansion, we are moving toward contraction, death itself. According to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, he defined success in 3 levels in life – i) Individual level: what you think as success, ii) Societal level: what society wants or thinks as your success and finally iii) Cosmic level: what Cosmos thinks as your success.

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