Be Your Own Energy Source

The inspiration for this article came into my inner space with this thought – how important it is for anyone to be his or her own energy source! To me, it is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity for basic survival in this increasing complex world where we are constantly inundated with choices, distractions and unconscious temptations. Unfortunately, we were neither trained by the school system nor society to find our own energy source. Quite often, it is only when we finally hit the wall of reality and suffer from depression then we start seeking the right answers to the real problem. Our future generation can avoid this unnecessary suffering if they are given the right understanding at a young age.

According to a new research by World Mental Health (WHM) published in Biomed after interviewing over 89,000 people in 18 countries across the world in July 2011, it is found that depression affects over 121 million people worldwide. At its most severe, depression can lead to suicide and is responsible for at least 850,000 deaths every year. Depression is a significant public health concern across all regions of the world and is strongly linked to social conditions.

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You Can Get Out Of Addiction

From the collective consciousness, I could sense that there are millions who are secretly living with their addictions but feeling powerless as they don’t know how to get out of the addictions. Life with addiction is such an abusive way of living, it is disrespecting the very LIFE itself. People with addictions are like the living dead who are yet to be buried.

Addiction makes you feel that if you don’t do it, you feel terrible that you are missing it. If you do it, you won’t feel the joy instead you feel guilty and powerless. At first, you start enjoying it, slowly it starts enjoying you. With the same unconscious pattern, you are not living life because the unconscious pattern is swallowing your entire life.

Fundamentally, addiction is an escape from LIFE – in whatever form life presents to you. You are just trying to escape from some thoughts or issues in your life, thinking that through the distraction of addiction, you can squeeze the joy out of it! We can never elongate the joy shaft from addiction.

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Sacred Secrets of becoming a High Achiever

Life is about continuous expansion. If we are not moving towards expansion, it means we are contracting in life, moving towards death.

One of the basic important qualities for living an expanded life is to be a high achiever in life. Whatever may be your chosen field of work, whether as a professional manager, an artist, a doctor, lawyer, a road sweeper, etc, just decide to be a high achiever in that field. We need to understand that it is the attitude of being a high achiever that creates the juice of our life.

Here are three sacred secrets I discovered from my Guru’s life, Paramahamasa Nithyananda who is a living incarnation as well as my personal experience.

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