For the last 7 months, I have been attending the monthly Enlightened Parenting workshop conducted by Ma Rishi Advait, Head of Enlightened Education of Nithyananda Gurukul, Bangalore in India. This workshop came from the immense compassion of a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda to help parents understand the “Space of a Child” so that they can bridge the communication gap with their children. The essence of Enlightened Parenting is to create an awareness among conscious parents to hold a space of possibilities for their child’s flowering without the interference of their conditioning and patterns. The Enlightened Parenting workshop forms a part of his grand vision in creating an enlightened civilisation by infusing the right knowledge and practical tips to modern parents. He said that “My hope lies only on the next generation. The next generation should become the new generation.” Every month Ma Rishi Advait shares some of the most mind-blowing Vedic wisdom that not only solves many of the modern-day parenting struggles we face but most importantly it teaches parents to get into the space of a child.
I am currently working with a client who has been suffering from fear psychosis since young. To help her understand her situation, I shared with her certain basic understanding about fear which resonated with her. As fear is a base emotion that everyone experiences, I know that by sharing this knowledge here, many people would be helped by it.
The first truth is – fear is a form of energy inside us, hence it cannot be destroyed. Energy can only be transformed from one form to another. Fear is our nature, if we don’t direct it towards any object, it is pure fear which helps us in survival and being spontaneous. Whenever pure fear happens, we feel rejuvenated with a tremendous relaxation which expresses as courage and energy in us. Hence our fear is directly connected to our life energy.
Last Saturday, on 5th October was the 41st International Vegetarian Union World VegFest and the 6th Asian Vegetarian Conference at Kuala Lumpur celebrating the 105th year of the International Vegetarian Union. Vegetarianism is definitely catching on in the mainstream society as compared to 10 years ago because more and more people are becoming aware of the health benefits of vegetarian diet.