Renunciation is Freedom!

Recently, a couple of students who came to me and expressed that they were not able to get out of their lower state of emotions such as insecurity and anxiety. They are stuck in the identities they had built up from the past conditioning. When I was planning for the concluding lesson of the current yoga module, the subject of discrimination and renunciation came out as a final reminder in our spiritual practice to attain the true end of Samadhi (being consciousness). Since then the topic “Renunciation” had been ringing in my inner space, somehow I was guided to check out the Akashic records on this subject by Kalabhairava (Lord of Time & Space), channelled by Paramaahamsa Nithyananda.

The reading gave me so much clarity and solutions to help people who are holding on to their disillusioned identities.

Here is the exact Akashic Reading:

“Renunciation is nothing but the rejuvenation of the self continuously by dropping the different identities you create for a certain purpose but unfortunately associate with it feel one with it. Renunciation is of different levels.

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Hey Youth! You are the NEW GEN!

On last Wednesday, I started a 21-Day Yoga Challenge for the Youth as one way to get our modern youth to experience the power of spiritual practices in transforming their lives. A total 12 people participated in this challenge and it would be interesting to see how many are able to live up to this simple spiritual tapas (penance).

Engaging the youth has been filling my inner space since last year, if you understand that youth forms 50% of global population and they represent a huge possibility for humanity, you will feel my urgency to reach out to this group who is facing a major crisis.

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Enhance Your Child’s Memory Power

I remembered in June 2009, I attended my first 21-day transformative programme called Inner Awakening with Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) and there was one powerful session he initiated us was “Memory”. He gave us the basic concept of memory:

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