Guru – The One Who Made Me Decide

Tomorrow is the Guru Poornima, the auspicious day which is celebrated by those who worship the Divine in the form of a Guru. This is the day when the Guru receives us into His compassion and wipes out even the most terrible karmas of life-times with His unconditional Grace. Many people cannot understand why this worship of another human form?!

You see, in the Vedic tradition, we believe that the Divine assumes the human form again and again as Guru to remind us to search for the Ultimate truth. As expressed by Lord Krishna, an incarnation in Bhagavad Gita JnanaKarmaSanyasa Yoga Chapter 4 verses 4.7-4.8, “When positive consciousness declines, when collective negativity rises, again and again, at these times, I am reborn. To nurture the pious and to annihilate the wicked, to re-establish righteousness, I am reborn, age after age.”

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Re-program Your Muscle Memory Through Yoga

Are you aware there is such a thing called muscle memory?

The truth is our body stores memories in different parts of the organs and muscles. Muscle memory is responsible for the spontaneous way in which we react to every situation before even we are actually aware of it. They come from the past memories of this body, meaning the memories of this birth. After many unconscious repeated actions, it is stored in our muscles and we respond to life out of these unconscious past memories. By and by, these incompletions become patterns in us over time and they start creating more and more trouble and suffering in our life.

I’ve started a new yoga Module called ‘Yoga for Women’ last week and one of the things that we are exploring is the re-programming of engraved memories of a female physiology. The common engraved memories that all human beings tend to suffer is that of laziness pattern. Breaking the muscle memory of laziness is the first step in spiritual awakening. If laziness pattern gets settled into the body’s muscle memory, for a female, it will lead to indulgence in past suffering and engrams. However, for a male body, it leads to indulgence of sense pleasures and new engrams.

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Miracle of Working from Space

Our inner space is such an amazing psychological organ! Unless you experiment with it, you won’t even begin to fathom the power of your own inner space.

 Before I discovered the power of inner space, I used to function out of fear and greed from the conditioning of society and that was the way I ran my life for about 40 years filled with so much struggles and suffering. It was only after I attended the Inner Awakening spiritual retreat conducted by my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also known as Swamiji) and started working on cleaning up and harnessing my inner space that I began to fully grasp the immense possibilities of this new treasure chest within me. Now I fully understand, in the space, everything is possible.

About a month ago I was working with a committed volunteer who wanted to work with the community of kids with special needs especially autism because she has a 13 y.o. son who is autistic. The moment I decided to take up the responsibility of being a co-creator in her life, from the space of completion, I told her that I would design a yoga therapy programme for these kids. Even though I didn’t have a clear idea how I was going to do it, but I just knew that I would do it.

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