Peace Begins With Healing Your Pain

Once a devotee asked a living master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) a question in 2011.

She asked: “Why is there no peace in the world?”

Master replied: “There is no peace in you; that is why you are looking at that part in the world. Bring peace in your heart and you will simply see that part of the world which is living in peace.”

Many of us ask for global peace but how can we experience global peace when we are still carrying so much pain within us? The truth is we are all a part of the collective consciousness. Our inability to experience peace within us is due to the pain patterns from the past hangovers. Unless we complete with these pain patterns, we can never experience inner peace. Till inner peace is experienced by more and more individuals, there can never be global peace. Fundamentally, to spread global peace, we have to help humanity to be relieved of their pain patterns.

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Understanding Children with Special Needs

Two weeks ago, I attended a mind-blowing eN-Parenting webinar by Ma Nithya Rishi Advaitananda, the Head of Nithyananda Vidyapeetam based in Bangalore on the topic “Understanding and Raising Children with Special Needs”. It not only gave me so much clarity in terms of the consciousness of these children but also the issues of parents and society which stifle these children. I hereby thank Ma Advait for shedding the light on this subject and sharing her personal experience which was such an inspiration.

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108 Insights into Yoga

I’ve just completed the development of a module for eN-kids Yoga Foundation Programme for children age 4 y.o and above which will be utilised in the Nithyananda sangha worldwide. In the process of content development, I had the fortune to have access to many yoga content and plus my own research materials. It was such a spiritual process of expansion for me personally. I am grateful that I am able to make a contribution in the lives of the New Generation!

One of the amazing content is the 108 insights into Yoga by my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. He had the fortune of learning yoga in its purest form from the consciousness of Patanjali, the great sage who is known as the Father of Yoga. These insights were condensed when he was giving the discourses on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Take a look at the 108 brand new insights which totally redefine our understanding of Yoga:

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