Bring Authenticity to Yoga

About 2 weeks ago, I had the fortune of listening to a mind-blowing webinar by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on “Secrets of Yoga and Awakening the true teacher in you”. The truths revealed in this webinar completely shifted the way I approached Yoga and set the clarity in terms of what I need to do next.

Here is a part of the excerpts of the webinar which I would like to share with my readers:

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See Death as a Blessing

Two days ago, I received a shocking news that one of the devotees of my master had passed on from a sudden heart attack, a lady I remembered fondly for the last 5 years in my spiritual life. She and her husband attended a few Inner Awakening programs with me and she was such a sincere devotee with a bubbly personality and a thunderous laughter. I remembered she attended one of my Laughter Meditation workshops and her laughter created a wave of energetic resonance in the room!

At the wake last night, her husband shared with me that he was not able to accept this sudden death because she had been a life companion, a business partner, a caring mother of  his teenage son and his very source of emotional support. In fact, they were almost inseparable, such was their relationship. Naturally, he was taken aback by the loss, from the emotional pain of loss came the anger towards life for doing this to him. The process of grief will take some time before he is able to settle into the stark reality.

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Samyama – The Yogic Technology to Experience the Treasure within You

Are you aware that yoga is a science?

Like any science there are 2 parts: 1) the theories or the pure science and 2) the application in practical life or the applied science. Many of us know mostly the theoretical aspect of yoga through books but to experience the applied science of yoga, one needs to live the science. Person who knows only pure science, the theories who never learn applied science will always be a beggar in consciousness. The utility value of applied science is that it brings value to the pure science, it inspires people towards pure science.

Samyama is the applied science of Yoga. Samyama is the technology through which the extraordinary experiences and powers; which are in our super consciousness, are expressed through our body to the world. Our super consciousness is all knowing, all pervading, but preparing our body and mind to radiate some of those great powers and expressing those powers, that technology is Samyama.

Extraordinary powers (siddhis) like materializing, teleporting, levitation, clairvoyance, walk on water and control of 5 elements etc are a part of Hindu Vedic tradition. All the juicy part of this tradition is the applied science. You would have seen many enlightened masters casually playing with such powers so as to inspire others towards the pure science. Samyama is the essence of the Hindu tradition, the core of Vedic tradition.

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