The Story of Our Mind

In June 2009, I attended my first Inner Awakening program with a living incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) after having left my corporate life for good. I remembered he narrated an incident from his wandering days and I would like to share this incident because it will help us understand our mind better.

“When I was wandering in the villages of Northern India, I had often noticed the villagers using a novel trap to catch birds. They would suspend a stick horizontally from the branch of a tree. The stick will be hanging from the tree by a rope tied around its middle, that’s all. This stick is the trap for the birds.

You must be wondering – how a stick can trap a bird?

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Is negativity robbing your life?

Currently I am writing my first book on completion with body and I was searching for technique to transform the muscle memory. The search ended when I found a discourse by my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) gave when he was expounding on Patanjali Yoga Sutras.

What is muscle memory?

Muscle-memory is that part in you which makes the decision to do any act spontaneously, and executes it within micro-milliseconds – even before you become aware of it! Swamiji explained that muscle-memory means your everyday actions and reactions. Your actions directly impact your muscles memory. Anything you do consciously again and again directly strengthens your muscles. So the more you age, the stronger you should become! That means you should become stronger and more intelligent as you age. The paradox is this is not happening because of the negative practice we create over time which strengthens the unconscious ideas in our inner space and weakens us. If you understand the science of practice (abhyasa), you will be stronger every moment and your muscles will be very strong!

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Give your child the ultimate security

I met a friend recently who shared with me about his unhappy relationship with his spouse. His wife has started arguing a lot lately in front of their children which really upset him. He was hoping I could help his wife to understand the big picture. This gave me the inspiration to share this important truth to parents out there who are ignorant about their actions.

Do you know how the fight between parents can hurt the children?

I remembered my Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji) once advised a parent on a similar situation. He said: “Arguing is nothing but being unable to come to terms with the other person. It is not that you are unable to come to terms with the situations. No! Understand, you are not able to come to terms with the other person.”

The constant fight between parents is going to bring a tremendous damage and hurt to the children. When kids see parents fighting with each other, they lose trust in life and their risk-taking ability is broken completely. They are put into the fear psychosis of “Oh, if I don’t behave, I may not have a place here.” When that insecurity is planted in a child’s inner space, forever he or she will be suffering from the fear of insecurity. In the first 9 years of a child’s life, you need to give a complete safe and secure feeling so that he or she will have the confidence in themselves and life. Arguing and fighting in front of kids directly destroy this feeling of security in the life. In addition, children lose respect for life and experience incompletion with life itself when they see parents fighting with each other. When they carry the wound of seeing parents fighting, they feel incomplete with the father or mother and they carry so much of incompletion inside them towards life.

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