Last weekend on 1-2 April, I attended an enlightening workshop by a living avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). The tittle of the workshop was “Be Your Own Boss – Manifesting Leadership Consciousness”. In this workshop, he gave the 3 important principles for becoming your own boss which I am going to share here. Now, for those of you who are seriously considering jumping out of the corporate rat race to become your own boss or you are already your own boss, you will find some of these insights useful alongside with my own experience.
Swamiji said:”In Vedic tradition, everything starts with Saraswati (right knowledge). All solutions start with right knowledge as Saraswati is capable of manifesting Durga (power) and Lakshmi (abundance). What cognitions you carry about freedom, wealth and boss?”
I tell you one of the things that is very close to my heart is the space I enjoy whenever I am in a Yoga class with children. I started teaching children Yoga as a teacher volunteer in 2011 during eN-Vidyalaya class, a weekend spiritual program for children gifted by my enlightened Guru, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji). I was drawn by my passion to work with children, so teaching Yoga to kids was the natural progression for me after ten years of teaching Yoga to adults.
What are the differences between teaching yoga to kids versus adults?
Here are my 5 discoveries:
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Do you tie knots in your life which suffocate you?
I am reminded of a beautiful story about Buddha and his disciples by a living avatar, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (fondly known as Swamiji):-
One day Budhha arrived for his usual morning discourse with his disciples. He had a knotted handkerchief in his hand. He showed it to the disciples and asked if any one of them could come up and untie the knot. One disciple went up and tried to untie it. He pulled and pulled, the knot tightened further. Another disciple went up, he looked at the knot for a few seconds and easily untied it. All he did was look at the knot and immediately he knew how the knot was created in the first place. So, he just reversed the whole thing and untied it. The knot itself taught him how to untie it.
Same way, our negative patterns and incompletions are nothing but the knots in the handkerchief. If we look at a pattern with awareness, we will see exactly how it was created, so you will understand the right way to ‘untie’ it. The knot or pattern itself will show you the way out of it!