Miracle of Working from Space

Our inner space is such an amazing psychological organ! Unless you experiment with it, you won’t even begin to fathom the power of your own inner space.

 Before I discovered the power of inner space, I used to function out of fear and greed from the conditioning of society and that was the way I ran my life for about 40 years filled with so much struggles and suffering. It was only after I attended the Inner Awakening spiritual retreat conducted by my master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda (also known as Swamiji) and started working on cleaning up and harnessing my inner space that I began to fully grasp the immense possibilities of this new treasure chest within me. Now I fully understand, in the space, everything is possible.

About a month ago I was working with a committed volunteer who wanted to work with the community of kids with special needs especially autism because she has a 13 y.o. son who is autistic. The moment I decided to take up the responsibility of being a co-creator in her life, from the space of completion, I told her that I would design a yoga therapy programme for these kids. Even though I didn’t have a clear idea how I was going to do it, but I just knew that I would do it.

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How I keep my child in the space of possibilities?

Smart young girl stood infront of a blackboard

Do you know that children are already born complete, total with pure innocence and intelligence?

Before the age of 7 y.o., children live in a pure space called “Space of a Child”. This is the original state of pure awareness, a space of solutions where there is no mental processing like planning, judging or thinking. They just download like an internet connection whenever they need the information. This is such a beautiful space to be in as it is a space of huge possibilities. All they need from parents is the right environment and guidance from a higher energy to start expressing their extraordinary dimensions that the society holds them back from.

As a mother, I am very conscious that I want to keep my son, Kai in his pure inner space of joy, innocence, creativity and great possibility. However, I am equally aware of the negative forces in the outer world which could unbalance him and take him away from this space.

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Completion of insecurity with wealth

I can say that one of my past insecurity patterns is with money or wealth. I grew up in a large family of eight and my father was a humble construction worker. Money was a constant struggle and often the reason for fights between my parents. At a very young age of 5-6, there was this one violent fight between my parents because of money which led me to develop a wrong cognition about money out of fear – “Money is so important because with money, people don’t have to fight.”. Money was perceived as a security blanket for me.

Living in a small nation like Singapore where we are constantly reminded by the government that there is a lack of natural resources in our country and people are the only resource that we have. The propaganda is always based on the same insecurity so as to keep us feeling inadequate that we need to keep running our lives to build our ideal dream home, happy family lifestyle and a comfortable retirement nest. That is the kind of societal conditioning I grew up with in relation with wealth.

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